Tag: application

Tellurium is a typical scattered element. Tellurium and its compounds are widely used in metallurgy, chemical industry, electronics, energy, medicine and health and other industries.Telluride is a compound of tellurium with a metal or a non-metal. Such as the representative of the telluride with a non-metal is hydrogen telluride, which is a colorless, odorous toxic gas; the metal telluride has copper telluride, which is insoluble in water. 3pdm provide high quality and superfine telluride powders, such as Bismuth Telluride Bi2Te3, Cadmium Telluride CdTe, Cuprous Telluride Cu2Te, Copper Telluride CuTe, Zinc Telluride ZnTe, Lead Telluride PbTe, Antimony Telluride Sb2Te3, Gallium Telluride GaTe, etc.Send us an email or click on the needed products to send an inquiry. Payment Term: Western Union, T/T, Alipay, Paypal, Credit Card etc. Shipment Term: By international express, by courier, by air, by sea, or as customers request. Storage conditions: 1) Should be store in a dry environment at room temperature. 2) Should be avoid damp and high temperature. 3) Use immediately after opening the inner package bag.

The Applications of Few Layer Graphene

Overview F ew L ayer G raphene This type is made up of three to ten layers of carbon atoms. They are packed in a benzene ring (that is, hexagonal honeycomb structure) and stacked in various stacking methods (ABC stacking,ABA stacking etc. )Two-dimensional carbon materials. Singlelayer graphene is a powder that has the two-dimensional structure […]

Main Application Areas of Silica Powder

What is silica? Silica powder can be made from natural quartz, fused silica and others. as raw materials. They are then processed through multiple processes, such as grinding and precision classification. The most popular products are fused silica powder and crystalline silicone powder. Micropowders and spherical silicon micropowders are two examples. Silica powder has a […]

What is the Application Field of Zirconia

What is zirconia, exactly? Zirconium dioxide, which has the chemical formula ZrO2, the main oxide of zirconium is white, tasteless and odorless crystals. It is insoluble with water, hydrochloric Acid, and dilute-sulfuric acid. It is chemically inactive. It has the properties high melting point and high resistivity. Zirconia’s main application areas Raw materials and compounds […]

Silicon Nitride Powder Properties And Applications

Silicon nitride It is an organic substance having the chemical formula SI3N4. Silicon nitride can be used as a structural ceramic material. It has high hardness, lubricity, and wear resistance. Silicon nitride can be very strong, especially when hot-pressed. This is why it is one of the strongest materials in the universe. Silicon Nitride Powder […]

Zinc Sulfide Powder Properties And Applications

Zinc sulfide This powder is white to off-white, or light yellow in color. It becomes darker as it is seen. Zinc sulfuride is stable in dry conditions, but if left in humid or moist air for long periods of time, it will oxidize to zinc oxide. Zinc sulfide powder properties Zinc sulfuride is an organic […]

The Applications of StannicĀ Sulfide Powder

What is it? Stannic sulfide powder ? Stannic sulfuride is a yellow amorphous or crystal of golden yellow. To obtain colored gold, tin scraps (or Tin amalgam) are heated together with sulfur and ammonium chlorineide. A yellow amorphous, precipitate (wet). They are not soluble in water. Aqua regia, alkali sulfide (to create thiostannate), strong acid […]

The Application of Natural Flake Graphite Powder

Natural flake graphite Natural crystalline graphite has a shape similar to fish phosphorus. It belongs to the hexagonal system and has layers. It exhibits good resistance to heat, electrical conductivity, heat conduction and lubrication. Flake graphite can be found in complete crystals or thin flakes. It has good physical and chemical properties and excellent thermal […]

Nano Diamond Powder Applications In Various Fields

Nano diamond It was first developed 30 years ago. However, its applications were limited to polishing agent, polycrystalline and other abrasives. The use of nano diamond powder in lubricating oil has increased as people have a better understanding of its properties. There are many fields that nano diamond powder can be used in, including medicine, […]