Rapid Preparation Process of Gadolinium Oxide

What exactly is Gadolinium oxide? Gd2O3 is the chemical formula for gadolinium dioxide. It has a molecularweight of 362.498000 with a melting temperature of 2330 and a density 7.407. It is white in color.

Physical And Chemical Properties of Gadolinium Oxide

Gadolinium oxide is a white, odorless and amorphous powder. It is not soluble, however it can be broken down by acid to create the equivalent salt. Exposure to air makes it easy to absorb carbon dioxide from the air and cause it to deteriorate. It reacts with ammonia and can precipitate gadolinium-hydrate.

Preparement Method of Gadolinium Oxide

To make micron-grade gadolinium dioxide powder, mix 10g with hydrochloric acids at 3.23mol*L. Then heat the mixture until it is completely reacted. Finally, add some polyethylene glycol to the solution (which disperses the gadolinium salt). After the colloidal precursor has been stable for quite some time, stir the mix to disperse and dissolve polyethylene glycol. Deionized water was mixed with the prepared colloid. This gave rise to 500 mL suspension. It was then dried by spray drying. For nano-gadolinium, oxide is obtained by calcining the precursor at different temperatures (600-900) over several hours.

Gadolinium Oxide

Application Opportunities 1. It is used in the preparation of gadolinium oxide ceramics. The solubility of gadolinium in stainless steel and nickel-based metals is not known. A second-phase, gadolinium-rich eutectic product (Ni Cr, Gd) can easily be formed along the grain boundary. The possibility of anisotropy and second phases from hot rolling makes it possible to create them. Gadolinium oxide can be added to composite materials for a better neutron shielding. The advantages of gadolinium dioxide ceramics include high mechanical strength, excellent wear resistance and corrosion resistance. 2. It is used for the preparation of polyether ether compound with gadoliniumoxid. It is one of the most important special engineering plastics families that has ever been created. The resin has excellent heat resistance, radiation resistance and hydrolysis resistance. It also offers high wear resistance and fatigue resistance. The product has been used extensively in many areas, including aerospace, medical, health, electronic devices, chemical, machine, and machinery. Eab Tech Co., Ltd. is a gadolinium powder company with more than 12 years of experience in chemical products development and research. We can provide high-quality gadolinium powder. Please contact us to send your inquiry.
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SiC mainly has functional ceramics, advanced refractories, abrasives and metallurgical raw materials four functional areas

What is silicon carbide? Is silicon carbide natural? It is a rare form of silicon carbide. Moistanite, a rare and valuable mineral, also has silicon carbide. The most commonly used and most economically viable non-oxide high tech refractory material, C, N., B, is silicon carbide. This can also be called gold steel or refractory. China has two varieties of industrial silicon carbide production: green silicon caride and black silicon carbonide. They are each hexagonal crystals with specific gravity 3.203.25 and microhardness 28403320 kg/mm. Why is silicon carbide being used? Silicon carbide has many uses. It is used both as an abrasive and as a quality gemstone semiconductor. Making silicon carbide can be done by combining silica and carbon at very high temperatures, between 1,600 °C (2.910°F), and 2,550 °C (4.530°F). Is silicon carbide expensive? A non-oxide ceramic, silicon carbide may be used in many products. However, it must not be used in high temperature or thermal shock applications. SiC single crystal has superior properties, but it is difficult to produce. Is silicon carbide dangerous? It can be used to stimulate the eye and nose contacts. * Chronic lung disease, pulmonary pneumonia, chest Xray changes, decreased lung function, shortness or coughing may be caused by repeated high-temperature silicon carbide exposure. Is silicon carbide hard? It is very close to diamond quality with a hardness rating 9 It is also hard and has crack properties. This makes it useful in the manufacture of cloth and paper products, as well as grinding wheels. How to make your own silicon carbide. The Acheson process is used to produce silicon carbide. It involves heating carbon and silica sand at very high temperatures within an Acheson graphite resistant furnace. The silicon carbide may be a fine powder, or an adhesive mass. This must then be ground and crushed before it can be used in powder feedstock. How do you make silicon carbide? This silicon carbide-crucible is composed of graphite and silicon carbide. It also contains tar and other synthetic resins for the bonding. This crucible is used to melt brass, copper, nickel and chromium, as well their alloys. You will need 30 to 50% flake graphite (by weight), and 10 to 50 percent silicon carbide to make a basic crucible. You should include high heat clay to make sure your crucible can handle the heat. Tesla’s Innovative Power Electronics: Silicon Carbide Inverter Tesla, just like Presley, can claim that it is possible to achieve the greatest, most popular feat. Tesla quickly entered a new market, and soon became the top-selling manufacturer of electric cars. Elon Musk was the richest person in the universe, having been able to sell the car in every market except the US. People. What’s the difference between Tesla and other electric vehicles? There are three components to the universally applicable activation method for electric cars: a battery and an electric motor. Silicon carbide inverter Electric vehicles require power electronics to support a range of functions. But the primary inverter is perhaps the most important. This converts DC into AC three-phase to ensure smooth operation of electric traction motor. This is the central component of an electronic power device. The power switch technology (transistor) has survived more than five generations. The Silicon rending gate bipolar transistor Si IGBT (si IGBT), is dominant today. It also includes an inverter for electric vehicles. The sixth generation is now in development. It features broadband semiconductor materials that tap: SiC (high pressure/power) and GaN (low voltage/high power). This change allows for smaller power modules that have higher densities to work at higher temperatures, and opens new material possibilities throughout the power module packaging. How is Tesla inverter innovation so revolutionary? Well, with the release of article 3 of 2018, Tesla became the first company that added a SiC metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) from ST microelectronics in the internal inverter design. While the SiC packaging has been used for a number of other innovations in the design, this innovation is the key. The inverter’s total weight is 4.8kg. This compares to Jaguar I-PACE, which weighs 8.23kg. SiC MOSFETs have opened up new opportunities for material because conventional materials’ limits are exceeded. To handle small power densities, the Cu line frame is used. It’s the structure that holds the signals from the diff. For higher temperatures, mold attachment material can be switched from traditional solder to use Ag sintered mold materials. What’s a Seizing of an Opportunity? The main barrier to absorbing additional capabilities in SiC MOSFETs/power module packages has always been cost. However, Tesla appears to have solved this problem: Tesla’s inverter saw a dramatic cost drop in three years. IDtechex calculated an experience curve based on the inverter costs for 2018 model 3, and 2020 model model Y’s second inverter. You can see that Tesla’s SiC-inverter looks identical to that used in the 2019 Jaguar I–PACE version. The old technology replaces all of the costs. TRUNNANO is also known as. Luoyang Tongrun Nano Technology Co. Ltd., a trusted supplier of global chemicals and manufacturers with more than 12 years of experience in manufacturing high-quality chemical products and Nanomaterials. We have developed several materials. Silicon carbide Powder manufactured by our company is high in purity, small particles size and low in impurity. For more information, send us an email.
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An Ultra-high Temperature Structural Ceramic Material: Zirconium Diboride Ceramics

What is zirconium Diboride? Zirconium boreide is a chemical and has the molecular formula ZrB2. Nature gray hard crystal. The three main components of zirconium Boride are zirconium monoboride (zirconium diboride), zirconium trimoride (zirconium triboride), and zirconium triporide. The stability of zirconium boride in wide temperatures is limited to the diboride. The majority of industrial production uses zirconium boride. Zirconium dioxide is a hexagonal or gray crystal, powder, or crystal with a relative density of 5.8. The melting point at 3040°C is 3040°C. High resistance to thermal shock, high resistance to oxidation, and good resistance at low temperatures. Metallic luster. The melting point is approximately 3000degC.

Making Zirconium Diboride Pulver

ZrB2 powder can be prepared mainly using high-oxide or zirconium for boronization. Traditional synthesis involves the use of a high-temperature induction furnace, resistance furnace to achieve oxide carbothermal reducibility. While this is a straightforward process, it is not as efficient. Also, at 1800°C the powder purity and average particle size are lower. , Poor sintering activity. Methods such as carbothermal reduction and high-temperature auto-propagation methods, mechanical alloying methods, ceramic precursor cracking techniques, liquid phase methods, etc. They are most commonly used right now.

Zirconium Diboride ceramic Materials

Zirconium Diboride Ceramics are highly valued for their use in composite, high-temperature, structural, and electrode materials. These include turbine blades, and magnet fluid power generation electrodes for the aviation industry. Additionally, it is more conductive than other ceramic materials. It can also be used in wire cutting to create complex shapes.


ZrB2 ceramics make excellent special refractory material, and can be used for high-temperature thermocouple protective sleeves, casting moulds, metallurgical crucibles, and other purposes. These ceramics aren’t very conductive and leaky when they’re used for thermocouple protection sleeves. For accurate temperature measurement, the thermocouple protection sleeves must be used in conjunction with an alumina inner shirt. You can use the thermowell for extended periods in brass and molten metal melt. ZrB2 ceramics may also be used to protect refractory materials.

Electrode materials

ZrB2’s low resistance and electronic conduction conductive mechanism make it suitable for electrode materials and electric shock materials. It can also be used to create metal thermocouple electrodes or high-temperature heating elements. A sleeve type thermocouple material was developed by researchers in 1994. It is paired with ZrB2 (graphite) and it can be used for high temperature heating elements. Research has shown it works in an oxidizing environment at 12001600°C. This thermocouple can also be used for continuous temperature measurements in special circumstances where other metal thermocouples or radiation thermometers may not work. It makes a great thermocouple. TRUNNANO is also known as. Eab Nano Technology Co. Ltd. is a reliable global supplier and manufacturer of chemical materials. They have over 12 years’ experience providing high-quality chemicals and Nanomaterials. We produce zirconium boride powder with high purity, small particles and low impurities. We can help you if your requirements are lower.
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Hafnium is a shiny silver-gray tetravalent transition metal

Review of hafnium Hafnium can be described as a chemical element. Its symbol is Hf, and its atomic numer is 72. Hafnium is an atomic element with the symbol Hf and similar chemical characteristics to zirconium. Dmitri Menedeleev had predicted it’s existence in 1869. But it wasn’t until 1923 that Coster & Hevesy discovered its existence, making it one of the few stable elements to have been discovered. There are six natural stable isotopes for hafnium. They are hafnium 17, 176 and 177. Hafnium is not compatible with strong alkaline solutions such as dilute hydrochloric or dilute sulfuric acids. However, it can be dissolved in hydrofluoric and aqua regia. Named after the Latin name Copenhagen, this element is also known as hafnium. Hafnium is found in the crust of the Earth at an average level of 0.00045%. It is frequently associated with zirconium. Hafnium is used as a filament and an electrode. Some integrated circuits used in semiconductor manufacturing are made of oxides with characteristic lengths up to 45 nanometers. Some special-purpose superalloys contain hafnium, niobium, titanium or tungsten. Because of its large neutron capture area, hafnium is a suitable material to absorb neutrons from control rods for nuclear power plant reactors. But, this substance must also be removed form the transparent, corrosion-resistant zirconium alloy used in these reactors. What is hafnium’s Characteristics? Hafnium can be described as a shiny, malleable, silvery metal. Due to their similar chemical properties, hafnium can change from the alpha form. This is because it has the hexagonal, crowded, cubic lattice. The physical properties of the 2388 k hafnium material sample have a significant impact on zirconium impurities. Both zirconium and hafnium have very similar chemical properties. There are two main chemical differences between these twin elements: the melting point and boiling temperature of the compound, and their solubility within the solvent. Hafnium makes up 5.8 percent of the Earth’s crust. This element isn’t found as an individual on the Earth. Instead, it is solid-dissolved with zirconium, ZrSiO4, in natural zirconium compound, and about 1-4% is replaced by Hafnium. Zircon (and hafnium ore) is mainly sourced from heavy mineral sands, pegmatites in Brazil and Malawi and carbonate intrusions in Mount Wilde in Western Australia. A source of hafnium could be the Dubbo area in New South Wales. This is where you will find rare zircon/hafniumsilicate, aluminum transparent, and Armstrong ore. Sources estimate that hafnium reserves could be kept for less than ten years if demand and world population increase. Hafnium can be used under low-demand conditions as it coexists with zirconium. Is Hafnium a Rare Earth Metal? Hafnium can only be obtained in very small quantities, but it’s found in zirconium mineral at concentrations up to 5 percent. Hafnium, the 45th most common element on earth is also the 45th. Chemical Kuhl found it to be about 3.3 times the amount of earth’s crust. Is hafnium poisonous? Hafnium is not poisonous. It is not easily soluble in water or salt solutions. Hafnium exposure can be caused by inhalation or ingestion. The eyes, mucous and skin may be slightly irritated by excessive exposure to hafnium compounds and other related substances. How can hafnium be used daily in our lives? Hafnium, a great neutron absorber, is used in nuclear reactor control rods. Hafnium also serves as a vacuum tube getter. This substance combines with the vacuum tube to remove any traces. Hafnium serves as an alloying agent to iron, titanium, and other metals. Hafnium can be used as a threading material and is an extremely shiny, silvery metal. Hafnium makes control rods like those used on nuclear submarines. It is an excellent neutron absorber. You can also use it in plasma torches because of its high melting point. This new method resolves an old mystery. The origin of Roman high-quality glass is determined by hafnium Isotopes. One of the most interesting archaeological materials is glass. Although its beauty and fragility are appealing in their own right, geochemical analyses of invisible tracer can show more about glass than is visible on the surface. The production of large quantities of transparent, colorless, and clear glass is one of the most notable achievements. It’s especially useful for cutting high-quality cut drinkers. But it’s known that Roman glass originated in Palestine. Archaeologists have found an oven capable of making colorless glasses. Egypt has not yet found a similar furnace. From a scientific standpoint, it has been very difficult to identify the glass from these regions. A global collaboration, led by Gry barfod (UrbNet’s assistant) and AGiR of Aarhus University have now discovered a solution. They discovered that Roman glass was made in Egypt through research in the Denmark/Germany Jerash Northwest Project. Gry Barfod said that the hafnium-isotopes were geologically confirmed to be valuable tracers of origin for sedimentary sediments. Charles Lescher of Aarhus University is co-author. He said that the measurement results confirm this expectation, which shows the connection between geology and archaeology. The archaeologists who study ancient trade in man-made materials, such as glass and ceramics, have never used the hafnium Isotopes. Professor Ian, University College London’s co-author commented, “These amazing results clearly demonstrate the potential for hafniumisotopes as a means of explaining the origins of early materials. These will likely be important tools in the scientific study of ancient societies, according to me. component.” The Nile River forms the Mediterranean Coast of Egypt and Levant, Palestine, Israel, Lebanon and Syria. It is a great place to produce glass because it contains large amounts of lime. This can make the glass both stable and non-degradable. They made clear glass in the Levant using manganese, which is good but not great. Researchers are showing that Egypt is the source for the second kind of Roman glass. The most valuable and precious glass is made by making the glass transparent with antimony (Sb). TRUNNANO is also known as. Luoyang Tongrun Nano Technology Co. Ltd. is a reliable global supplier and manufacturer of chemical materials. They have over 12 years experience providing high-quality, super-high quality chemicals and Nanomaterials. Currenty, we have developed several materials.
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Chromium, A Micronutrient that Must be Cared for in a Healthy Diet

It is essential for the metabolism of nutrients According to scientific research, chromium has been shown to be essential for the proper metabolism of many nutrients, including sugar, fat, and protein. Particularly, it is essential for glucose metabolism. It is believed that eating foods high levels of chromium will lower blood sugar. The main cause of hyperglycemia in diabetes is abnormal glucose metabolism. In fact, insulin is the only substance which can lower blood glucose during glucose metabolism. The body can produce too little insulin, or it doesn’t work well enough to use it efficiently. This causes blood sugar levels to rise. There are many factors that can influence the body’s sensitivity to insulin. It is possible to reduce the effectiveness of insulin hypoglycemic by reducing the amount of chromium in the environment. This means that your blood glucose can be reduced if you consume chromium-rich foods or supplement it with chromium. There are so many factors which affect blood sugar. They are all so complicated that they cannot be determined by one single factor. Similar to the above, chromium cannot be used if an insulin producing organ is injured or other conditions aren’t met. This is where it becomes clear that although chromium supplements can make blood sugar levels abnormally low, they don’t always lower them.

An appropriate amount of Chromium

While chromium can be found in many public food items in low quantities, it is an essential element in the human body. It is not present in large amounts. This means that the person can eat as normal, while the individual who is a patient of food variety is not lacking in chromium often, is also able to eat. The following are two things to keep in mind about the body’s utilization of chromium: First, it is less likely that your body will absorb more chromium as you age; and second, insulin will consume any chromium the moment it ACTS. After consuming chromium, its recycling rate drops to a very low level, so most of it is excreted through urine. You may be short of the chromium you need if your chromium intake is high and you absorb it slowly. High levels of chromium are best. Chromium-rich foods, such as rhodiola Rosea, are ideal for supplementing the chromium. While chromium can play an essential role in the human metabolic process, it can also be harmful if there is too much. TRUNNANO is also called. Eab Nano Technology Co. Ltd. is a reliable global supplier and manufacturer of chemical materials. They have over 12 years’ experience providing high-quality chemicals and Nanomaterials. We produce Chromium Dboride powder with high purity and fine particles. We can help you if your requirements are lower.
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What is Nano Silver and What are the Properties of Nano Silver

What is Nano Silver? A nano-silver substance is a metallic silver substance that has a diameter below 100 nanometers. This usually ranges from 20-50 nanometers. These silver nanoparticles contain atoms made up of silver particles and not silverions. The solid silver nanoparticles are free of charge. The metallic-silver is made by chemical and physical methods into metallic silver particles with a diameter of less than 100nm. Silver nanoparticles, also known as black powders, are formed by mixing silver nanoparticles with media and substrates. One suspension of nanometersilver is nanometer solution. It has a color that changes with increasing concentration. As the concentration rises, the color gradually becomes deeper, from yellowish to deep red. This liquid is composed of particles with a rough texture.

Nano Silver

Characterization Because its size lies between an atomic cluster or macroscopic particle, the nano-silver dust has many unique properties not found in ordinary silver powder. 1. Surface effect Nano-silver powder refers to the effect on the surface of the particles that have been reduced in size and made into fine powder. It has a different surface than that of silver powder. 2. Volume effect Volume effect in nano-silver powder refers to the decrease of volume and number of atoms. As the nano silver particles have fewer atoms, there will be an increase in energy gaps in their energy bands. Some electrical, magnetic, and thermal energies may become abnormal. You can intuitively see that the nano silver powder is darker than the silver-white particles with larger silver particles. It is due to significant changes in the non-absorption of emission, scattering and scattering caused by proton vibration characteristics and energy level discontinuity. This happens with smaller silver particles. TRUNNANO is also called. Eab Nano Technology Co. Ltd. is a reliable global supplier and manufacturer of chemical materials. They have over 12 years’ experience providing high-quality chemicals and Nano materials. High quality Silver Powder are produced by our company. We can help you if the price is lower.
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How To Easily Prepare Dysprosium Oxide Luminescent Materials

What’s Dysprosium Oxide? Dysprosium Oxide is a chemical substance that has the chemical formula Dy2O3. The white powder is slightly hydrophobic and can absorb water as well as carbon dioxide from the air. Magnesium is stronger than that of high iron oxide. Insoluble in acid and alcohol. Used mainly for lighting.

Dysprosium oxide

1. Chemical and physical data

The relative molecular masses of dysprosium dioxide are 373.00 and (d274) 8.81 respectively. The melting point for the material is approximately 234010°C. The boiling point is around 3900°C.

2. Property of physical and chemical substances Dysprosiumoxide is a white crystal powder. It’s insoluble when water is used, but can be dissolved in acid or ethanol. Exposure to air causes it to absorb carbon dioxide, which turns into dysprosium carbonate.

Dysprosium oxide

is the Main Use Dysprosium dioxide can be used in the production of dysprosium and as an ingredient for glass and neodymium-iron boron magnets. As an additive for permanent magnets made of neodymium iron-boron, dysprosium can be also used. The coercivity of a magnet may be increased by adding about 2 to 3.3% dysprosium. There was a small demand in the past for dysprosium. But with NdFeB, this element is now a necessity. The grade should be between 95-99.9%. And the demand is growing rapidly. Also, dysprosium oxide can be used to make dysprosium metallic, an additive for glass, Neodymium Iron Boron permanent magnets and in magneto-optical memories materials.

Prepare Dysprosium Oxide-Luminescent Material

You will need to weigh the correct amount of Europium Oxide and Dyprosium Oxide powder. After preparing ionic Solution A, heat and stir. Finally, you can add to solution B by heating and stirring. The solution is ready to be used once it’s evaporated at 80°C. You quickly transfer the solution to the corundum container and seal it. The high-temperature resistance furnace can be preheated up to 600°C. Next, place the container containing the precursor solution in the furnace and quickly close the door. Once heated, the precursor solution instantly boils and produces large amounts of heat. It takes approximately 5 minutes to complete the entire process. Once the sample has been removed, it can be cooled to room temperatures. It is a porous, loosely porous product that has a yellowish-green color. You can grind the product into SrAl2O4;Eu2+ and Dy3+ luminescent material. The initial illuminance is 15lux, with an additional 12h afterglow. Excitation and emission peaks range from 320nm to 365nm. The emission peak is at 510nm. When the particle size is greater than 0.1 micron, then the relative Eu and Dy contents change or the crystal structure is destroyed. The luminous brightness of luminescent particles is decreased or no light is emitted. But if the particle size is larger, it can cause uneven coating films or a sloppy appearance. This test shows that the luminescent dust has a particle size greater than 75mm. Eab Tech Co., Ltd. is an experienced company in the production and research of chemical products. We are happy to assist you in your search for the best quality Dysprosium Oxide Powder.
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To Explore The History and Source of Amorphous Boron B Powder

Amorphous Boron B-Powder History Boric acid and other borates are the most common forms of oxygen-containing compounds that contain Boron. Borax is a common source of boric acid in hot springs. It is also found in industrially important compounds like boracite (2MgOB2O3H2O) and boracite (3B2O35H2O). In 2000 BC, the Ancient Egyptians used borax for making glass and welding gold. Since the turn of the 18th-century, the chemical process of boron has been underway. G.Hoomubbi, a British chemist, created boric acid in 1702. He combined natural borax with ferrous sulfurate. H.Davy was a British chemist. J.L.GayLus Sac and L.J.Henard were French chemists who reduced boric acids with potassium metal in order to create boron. But, only half of the boron produced could be used. H.Moissan (1892), a Frenchman produced boron that was 98.3% pure by reducing boricanhydride with magnesium. E.Weintnaub, a German man, prepared high purity Boren using a mixture hydrogen-boron trichloride. He did this by decreasing the radius of the copper anode. After the creation of series of synthetic boron-hydrogen compounds in the 60’s, many people are excited about the possibility of developing boron chemicals. However, more recent research into the structure of elemental and complex boron has led to a number of important applications in modern industry as well as defense of boron compounds. Since then, the boron is the most studied element in organic chemistry.

Source for Amorphous Boron B-Powder

The crustal amount of boron in the earth is 9×10-4%. Seawater has 48×10 to 5%. Borax, borate (or borate), siliconborate, and borate are just a few of the boron-containing ores that have been found. Borax ore natural (Na2OB2O310H2O), which is found in salt lakes, dry salt lakes, and the evaporative soils of these salt lakes, is most commonly produced. Borax may also be produced in the soil’s surface, even though it is found in dry regions. Borite (2MgOB2O3H2O), is also produced at the soil surface in contact zones of intrusive bodies. It can be found with magnesite limestone, dolomite or boromite Chemicalbook minerals, metallomica, silicomite and anhydrous Born. Magnesite Borax (MgFe),2Fe(BO3)O2, which is often produced in serpentine-dolomite marbles or magnesia skarns, frequently with magnetite and magnesite. Hard calcium boronite (CaO3B2O310H2O) is another source of borates. Alkaline dry salt lakes also often contain borates. Borate resource reserves worldwide are estimated at 335748Mt. This is a very concentrated distribution. The world’s 95% total boron reserve is held in the United States, Turkey and Turkey. Qinghai (Xizang, Liaoning, Fengcheng and Kuandian in China) have a wealth of boron resources. TRUNNANO is also called. Eab Nano Technology Co. Ltd. is a reliable global supplier and manufacturer of chemical materials. They have over 12 years’ experience providing high-quality chemicals and Nanomaterials. High purity, small particles size, and low impurity are the hallmarks of our Amorphous Boron Boron B powder. We can help you if the price is lower.
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Properties and Applications of Boron Carbide

The boron-carbidide crystal exhibits a rhombohedral pattern. Its crystal lattice belonged to the D3d5R3m spatial structure. You can describe the rhombohedral design as a cubic primitive cell structure that extends diagonally through the space and forms an irregular icosahedron in each corner. The c-axis is the hexagonal sign. It runs parallel to the diagonal. A linear chain is formed when three boronatoms join the adjacent icosahedron. Thus, each unit cell is composed of 12 icosahedral positions. Three positions can be found on the linear-chain. Consider the B-atom as due to its position in the icosahedron, and the C-atom as being in the linear chain. Then the stoichiometry for B12C3 would be B4C. 1. Basic properties and potential uses of Boron Carbide

Low density

B4C’s density is 2.52g/cm3. An empirical formula (9) can show the relation between density and carbon in homogeneous zones. It is as follows:


The low density of Boron Carbide makes it difficult to achieve the same performance as the high density. This is why lightweight armor can be used to lower the tank and car body weights. Conserve energy. (2) Hardness and wear resistance B4C exhibits high wear resistance and super toughness. With an increase in C content, B4C’s Vickers hardness increases within the homogeneous region. If the carbon contents are 10.6% and 20% respectively, then the hardness can rise to 29.1 GPa. However, hardness 21 may reach 37.7 GPa when carbon content exceeds 20%. At high temperatures, it is very hard (>30GPa). An empirical formula (10 ):

) can show the temperature-dependent change in hardness.


In formula H0: The hardness at roomtemperature;

T— is the temperature.

A—is a constant related with carbon.

This recipe is good for 20 to 1750. B4C is the second-hardest material in the world after diamond and cubic BN. B4C has a higher wear resistance as the temperature increases. Between 20 and 1400, friction coefficients decrease with increasing temperature. They drop to 0.01 at around 1400. The friction rate is also continuing to fall. B4C was used to sandblast nozzles due to its exceptional hardness, and high friction characteristics. TRUNNANO is also known as. Eab Nano Technology Co. Ltd. (aka. We produce high-purity, small particle sizes and very low levels of impurity B4C Powder. We can help you if the price is lower.
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Modified Artificial Graphite: an Excellent Anode Material for Lithium Batteries

Graphite powder is divided into artificial graphite dust and natural graphite. While they share similar properties and structures, the uses of each are different. Researchers have mistakenly called graphite, despite the fact that they are similar in structure and chemical properties. Confusion of these two elements has resulted in many misleading decisions and poor decision making, which have led to economic loss and a significant waste of resource. The article will discuss the relationship between natural and artificial graphite from the viewpoint of their structure, composition, and performance.

Characteristics of Graphite powder

Natural graphite is made by the conversion of carbon-rich organic materials under long-term pressure and temperature geological environments. It’s the natural crystallization. It is the process characteristics that make natural graphite. This is largely determined by its crystal form. There are many uses for minerals with different crystal forms. There are many kinds of natural graphite. Natural graphite is divided into different forms according to their crystalline structure. My country has two types of flake and cryptocrystalline graphite. Artificial graphite has a similar structure to the polycrystals found in crystallography. The production of artificial graphite is different for each variety. The general term artificial graphite can refer to all graphite products obtained via organic carbonization and graphitization at high temperatures. The use of carbonaceous materials such as pitch coke or petroleum coke to make artificial graphite is the most common definition. This includes aggregates and coal pitch. As binders after batching. Learn about artificial graphite production and how it is used.

Artificial Graphite

Manufacturing Process and Application Anode material for lithium batteries is one of the most important materials in lithium-ion. This plays an essential role in energy density, cycle stability and other aspects of battery life. New negative electrode materials, such as graphene and carbon nanotubes, have appeared in an endless number of forms over the past few years. Tin-based, silicon, tungsten, and tin-based compounds are all examples. But, their availability has been limited due to a range of issues. At the moment, graphite-based materials for carbon have been the dominant market-oriented anode material. Artificial graphite offers a higher interlayer spacing than natural graphite (93%) and lower graphitization degrees (93%). It also has lower crystallinity and some layer structures that are more disordered. The surface of artificial graphite has large specific surfaces and is porous. The electrolyte is very easy to react and decompose so it has a low initial efficiency (=350mAh/g). Researchers have found a way to improve the manufacturing process of artificial graphite, which is used in the manufacture of lithium batteries. Modified artificial graphite is a type of this product. This has characteristics such as high compaction, low expansion rate, long cycle times, and high cycle time. The use of it can increase the lithium battery’s conversion with electrolyte. It will reduce the swelling in the pole shoes and improve the replacement battery’s overall lifespan. It is used to produce artificial graphite, pitch and other chemicals. Then carbonize. The surface of artificial graphite is covered with an amorphous layer made from carbon-doped material. An overlapping layer is used to prevent co-embedding organic solvents as well as the contraction and expansion of graphite. In order to preserve high capacities, low potentials and compatibility of lithium batteries with solvents, the top layer is removed. TRUNNANO is also known as. Eab Nano Technology Co. Ltd. is a reliable global supplier and manufacturer of chemical materials. They have over 12 years’ experience providing high-quality chemicals and Nanomaterials. Our 99.95% modifed artificial graphite has high purity, small particles size, and low impurity. We can help you if the price is lower.
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