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Introduction to Titanium Diboride Pulver Titanium Diboride Pulver Oder TiB2 This is a grey or gray-black powder with hexagonal crystal structures. The melting point for this product is 2900; the Hardness (HV), is 34GPaI. Its density is 4.52. This material has wear resistance and excellent chemical stability.

Titanium Diboride powder’s Physical and Chemical Properties
Titanium diboride Has a 1000-hour oxidation resistence in air. It is also stable in HCI, HF acids and HCI. But it reacts to H2SO4 (HNO3). It can be easily destroyed by acid.
Pressing hot of TiB2 The temperature at which the theoretical density is reached (with the addition a small amount metal or carbide sintering AIDS), is 1800-1900°C. You will need to use more sintering ingredients and heats that exceed 2000 degC for press-free interfacing.
TiB2 This is among the most stable titanium-boron compound. The compound is hexagonal quasi-metallic and has both a C32 structural structure and a covalent bond. The complete crystal has 0.3028 nm of A and 0.3228 nm of C. This creates a hexagon quasi-metallic compound with a C32 structure and covalent bond. While the layer structure for boron is comparable to graphite, the outer electrons from Ti and TiB2 determine good electrical conductivity as well as metallic luster. However, the Ti-B bonds between titanium and boron determine high hardness and fracture of this material. TiB2 resists sintering. It is typically densified through hot pressing, hot isostatic press or hot pressing. TiB2 is able to be sintered press-free, however, liquid forming additions such as carbon, iron and chromium are needed.
Titanium Diboride Powder Properties
Additional Names TiB2, TiB2 powder, titanium boride powder
CAS No. 12045-63-5
Formula compound TiB2
Molecular Weight 69.489
Appearance Gray or gray and black
Melting Point 2980 degC
Boiling Point N/A
Density 4.52g/cm3
Solubility in water Unsolvable
Get the exact Mass N/A
Titanium Diboride TiB2 powder CAS 12045-63-5

Titanium Diboride powder preparation
The boron carbide method is also known as the carbothermic reduction method: 2TiO2+B4C+3=2TiB2+4CO
Using TiCl4 and BCl3 as raw materials by vapor deposition: TiCl4+2BCl3+5H2=TiB2+10HCl
can be prepared with H2 at 8001000

Titanium Diboride Powder Applications
1. The powder titanium diboride can be used in rocket nozzles, high-temperature electrode materials and electrical contact.
2. It is used for conductive ceramics, tool clays, and other applications that require a wear-resistant, corrosion-resistant, or conductive coating.
3. Useful for making conductive composites. Vacuum aluminum plating equipment contains the most important component, namely the conductive boron-nitride (“evaporation boat”) made with titanium diboride [TiB2] and boron nuitride (“BN”).
4. It is used for cutting ceramic tools and components. Produce titanium diboride ceramics.
5. As a composite ceramic materials. Use titanium diboride as a component in many composite materials.
6. This material can be used in the manufacture of armor protection materials. It is also a good choice for functional and other high-temperature parts.
7. The cathode material of aluminum electrolysis. Cathode material for aluminum electrolysis. The electrolytical aluminum’s power consumption is decreased due to good wettability and aluminum liquid. Also, the battery life is extended.
8. Al, Fe, Cu and any other metal material strengthening agent can also be transformed into PTC heating and flexible PTC materials.
9. It can be used as a rocket nozzle or an electrical contact.

Titanium Diboride Powder – Main supplier
Technology Co. Ltd. (), is a trusted supplier and manufacturer of global chemicals. We have more than 12 years’ experience providing high-quality chemical products, such as titanium powder.
High-quality products are what you want Titanium Diboride powder Send us an inquiry and get in touch with us.

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