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Cementite and Iron Carbid are compounds of iron, carbon, or, more precisely, an intermediate transitional metal carbide with a molecular formula Fe3C. It weighs 6.67% and 93.3% respectively. It is a gray-white crystal powder with a relative density of 7.694. It is insoluble when dissolved in hot and cold water. Do not react with dry oxygen. Iron oxide and carbon can be formed by oxidizing in moist air. It has an orthorhombic structure. It is a soft and fragile material and, in its natural form, is classified as ceramic. This is why it is an integral part of black metalurgisty.

What does Fe3C mean?
Fe3C, also known as iron carbide, is also known cementite.

How do you make cementite?
Primary cementite
When the liquid alloy of iron-carbon alloy (hypereutectic yellow cast iron), is cooled below the liquidus, the cementite precipitates.

Eutectic cemented cementite:
The ledeburite structure has a point strip cementite that is uniformly distributed in the austenite matrix. This is called eutectic or eutectic cemite.

Preeutectoid phase, cementite:
Alloys with hypoeutectoid/hypereutectoid composition will precipitate with a decrease in temperature. This is the proeutectoid Phase. Because of the differences in forming conditions, proeutectoid morphology can be divided into three types, block, reticulate, and Widmanstatten structures.

Eutectoid cementite:
Eutectoid cementite refers to the cementite found in pearlite.

Secondary cementite
When iron-carbon alloys are slow cooled, such as hypoeutectic iron, hypoeutectic iron cast iron, hypereutectic iron cast iron), the carbon content in austenite becomes saturated. The cementite will precipitate along austenite grain boundary, with a network distribution. Secondary cementite is the cementite formed from austenite.

Tertiary cementedite:
When the equilibrium cooling temperature of industrial pure iron drops below the solid solution line for carbon in iron (FeC equilibrium Diagram PQ line), then the solubility in carbon in ferrite reaches saturation. The temperature drops again and the tertiary cemented from ferrite. Because of its small amount, the Tertiary Cementite is precipitated from the Ferrite grain boundary. It generally spreads intermittently along that boundary.

It refers only to those that exist outside of the mechanical mixture (structure), such a pearlite (eutectoid) or ledeburite.

Iron Carbide Fe3C Powder Price
Price is affected by many factors, including supply and demand, industry trends and economic activity.
You can email us to request a quote for the latest F3C powder price. (brad@ihpa.net)

Iron Carbide Fe3C Powder Supplier
Technology Co. Ltd. is a trusted global supplier and manufacturer of chemical materials. We have more than 12 years experience in producing super high-quality chemicals.
Send us an inquiry if you are interested in high-quality Fe3C Powder. (brad@ihpa.net)

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