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The introduction of sodium batteries should alleviate current limitations of the lithium resource scarcity on the rapid growth of the new industry. This will stimulate further the use of transitional metal disulfide like tungsten disulfide (WS2) in the field power energy storage.
Lithium ion batteries form a vital raw material in the development of energy devices. This is essential to achieve “carbon neutral” and other environmental goals. However, current capital investment at the raw material end of the chain is not sufficient to address the rapid growing energy demands. Additionally, there are obvious structural inequalities in the investment in this industry chain. This leads to rising prices for lithium raw materials.

Sodium batteries entered the field of vision. As an energy material, sodium has high capacity and high performance. This can make up the deficiencies of current lithium-ion cells in energy storage. While sodium batteries will cost more than lithium batteries because of their small size, they are cheaper than lithium. With the maturation of technology, sodium batteries will become an efficient supplement to lithium batteries.

Tungsten Disulfide will benefit as well from additional market replenishment.
Tungsten dioxide is a layer material that exhibits remarkable surface effects, electron fluidity, thermochemical stability, high density electron states, and incredible electron fluidity. It is widely used for lithium and sodium storage. As an example, nanocomposites that are used as conductive additions to batteries or as graphene composites as anode materials for them can have a higher specific capacity or discharge efficiency than single components WS2 and C.

Graphene, a novel anode materials that has attracted the attention of energy storage researchers over recent years. It is a versatile anode material with many great advantages such as high electrical and thermal conductivity, large surface areas, etc. Although it is an energy storage medium, its inherent defects can be compensated for. The material is vulnerable to structural collapse over a prolonged cycle which could lead to serious reductions in the battery’s capacity. High thermochemical stability graphene or WS2 nanomaterials are able to effectively offset the flaws of graphene.
The best choice in battery material is generally tungsten dioxide.

Technology Co. Ltd. (), is a trusted supplier and manufacturer of global chemicals. We have more than 12 years experience providing high-quality chemical products, such as silicon powder, nitride & graphite powders, zinc sulfide powders, calcium nitride, or 3D printing powders.
You can contact us to request high-quality tungsten sulfide WS2 ws2 powder as well as graphene powder. (brad@ihpa.net)

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