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tungsten cobalt alloy is a high-density metal alloy with good strength, hardness, and ductility. It is used in a variety of applications such as tooling, machining, and medical devices.

This alloy is manufactured in bar, wire, shot, sheet and foil forms. It is also available in ultra high purity, high purity and vapor deposition grades.

The tungsten alloy is commonly used in a variety of applications, including aerospace and industrial gas turbine components, tooling and machining parts. Its superior properties in high temperature corrosion, oxidation resistance, and fatigue resistance makes it a preferred choice.

Cobalt – Tungsten Alloys

The addition of cobalt to tungsten carbide has a pronounced effect on the microstructure and grain size of the resulting material. This is mainly due to the strong coercivity of cobalt during sintering and is one of the main reasons why it is difficult to form fine grain tungsten carbide by conventional methods.

Tungsten-Cobalt Alloys

Among the various tungsten alloys, tungsten carbide-cobalt (WC-Co) is probably the most popular. It is produced by mixing powdered tungsten carbide with metallic cobalt.

It has a very high hardness and is often used in the production of tools for milling, drilling and pressing/punching processes as well as surgical instruments. It is also found in ball point pens.

Tungsten-cobalt is a very common element in the environment and it is present in many metal products. However, its impact on human health is not known. In a study performed on laboratory rats, tungsten-cobalt pellets were shown to induce malignant rhabdomyosarcomas when implanted into the leg muscles of rats to model shrapnel wounds.

    By admin