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Tungsten chromium alloy is an extremely durable material with excellent tensile and wear resistance properties. It can withstand high temperatures and is used for a variety of applications, including nozzles, bushings and seals. The tungsten carbide, nickel and chromium alloy is also a popular choice for cutting tools because of its exceptional hardness and wear-resistance.

Chromium is a highly corrosion resistant metal and is added to many other alloys to improve their strength, wear resistance and machinability. Most commercially available tungsten contains between 1 and 6 percent chromium, which is sufficient to improve their corrosion resistance and mechanical properties, but higher concentrations can significantly enhance their ductility.

Most industrial metals and alloys are produced by melting and casting in a mould. However, it is difficult to reach the melting point of refractory metals such as tungsten (3422 C) using conventional melt technology such as vacuum induction furnace, levitation smelter or air casting because they are too sensitive to oxide contamination and lack high smelting temperature.

A new technique for producing refractory metals and alloys was developed by FUSHEL and has been shown to be capable of melting tungsten (W) and chromium (Cr) using a vacuum arc melter (VAM). The VAM can produce a solid ingot of pure Cr or Cre10 W, which is suitable for fusion reactor applications. The VAM process is also capable of producing a wide range of other refractory metal powders that are suitable for laser / electron beam additive manufacturing, spraying and powder metallurgy processes.

    By admin