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tin lead alloys are used extensively in the electronics industry. They have many benefits compared to other metals such as tin, silver, and copper. Specifically, tin lead alloys melt at lower temperatures and can be soldered easily. The alloys are also corrosion resistant and are ductile. They are also less likely to form tin whiskers during subsequent operations such as stamping. However, one important consideration when selecting a tin lead alloy for an application is its ability to withstand solder joint reliability tests. Solder joint reliability testing is a critical step in the design process, and Hi-Tech has a variety of equipment to test the strength of lead free solder.


Lead free alloys do not wet as well as tin-lead alloys, which can result in problems during manufacturing. To address this concern, Hi-Tech conducts wetting balance and spread testing on all tin lead plating baths. This allows us to ensure that our customers are getting the best possible performance from their tin lead alloys.

High lead-tin bronze is an excellent material for metal cylinders, as it has good wear resistance, thermal conductivity, fatigue resistance, and strong load bearing capacity. However, it is prone to problems such as de-cylinder and cylinder holding, due to the large size of lead particles and their uneven distribution in the cylinders. In order to improve the organization performance of this type of alloy, it is necessary to reduce the size of the lead particles and make them evenly distributed.

    By admin