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The vbr3 encoder is an experimental high quality AAC encoder that can produce AAC-LC (low complexity profile) audio and the AAC-LCB (main profile). It uses a dynamic buffer and the “len” parameter to set a maximum number of prefetched cells. The encoder is intended to be faster than the native FFmpeg AAC encoder, but is currently slower due to an internal encoding pipeline limitation.

The addcon command displays the same prompts for both rt-VBR and nrt-VBR connections: PCR, %util, CDVT, FBTC flag, SCR, MBS, and Policing Type. The only differences are that rt-VBR connections use connection class 3 while nrt-VBR connections use connection class 2. Connection classes can be modified with the cnfcls/cnfatmcls commands. Qbin values on ports and trunks used by rt-VBR and nrt-VBR can also be configured separately.

Single crystals of the layered van der Waals compound vbr3 have been synthesized and characterized using single crystal x-ray diffraction, temperature and field-dependent magnetization, and detailed Raman spectroscopy measurements. The results indicate that vbr3 is a canted AFM semiconductor with an easy axis slightly off the c axis. A structural phase transition at 90 K is observed, which resembles the structural phase changes in honeycomb trihalides and other honeycomb dihalide compounds. The phase transition is associated with splitting of a doubly degenerated Eg mode, demonstrating threefold rotational symmetry breaking in the low-temperature state. The layered structure of vbr3 is also revealed, showing it to have a honeycomb-based BiI3-type structure with space group R-3.

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