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What does calcium hydride mean? Calcium hydride can be described as an organic compound with the chemical formula CaH2 having a molecularweight of 42.10. A grayish-white, lumpy crystal, or crystal, that is easy to deliquescent and can be used as a reducing agent, desiccants, chemical analysis reagents, etc. It can also be a colorless orthorhombic, which is used in industrial products. The crystal is very sensitive to humidity. Although it is not able to react at room temperature with nitrogen or dry air, nor with chlorine, it can at high temperatures react with these gases to create calcium oxide, calcium nutride and calcium chloride. Water can also react with it to produce hydrogen and decompose it. To produce hydrogen and calcium, it can react with alcohol. This reduces metal oxides more than lithium hydride and sodium hydride.

Calcium hydride synthesis method

1. The iron plate should be filled with refined calcium, a solution of around 99.5% purity. Install the outlet pipe and the inlet tube with rubber plugs. After purifying hydrogen through the inlet, the outlet pipe will pass through. Heat the reaction tube with an electric furnace. To replace the initial air, hydrogen was added to the reaction chamber. The hydrogen is then heated in an electric furnace. After the reaction was started at 200oC, it was heated up to 250-300oC. Finally hydrogen was introduced at an flow rate of 0.6ml/min. This reaction takes about two hours. It is made from a porous white crystalline powder. About 99 %.

is the purity level of calcium hydride. 2. Both pure electrolytic hydrogen hydrogenation or alkaline Earth metal can create alkaline Earth metal hydride. This hydrogenation device is used to prepare CaH2 just like the device that was used to make alkali metall hydride. Vacuum distillation is required to remove the oxide layer of metallic calcium. Then, use an operation box filled up with argon to scrape it off. It is possible to make the surface smooth and clear under isolating atmosphere. An electrolytic iron boat with small amounts of calcium is filled, then the boat is sealed in a quartz tube. A thin, electrolytic-iron tube with thin walls is placed over the quartz tube’s heated section. This prevents the tube from becoming corroded. It is possible to introduce pure hydrogen, then heat the calcium to 400-500°C. The hydrogenation reaction begins, then it is increased to 1000°C. Finally, it is allowed to cool to room temperature before you can obtain calcium hydroide. TRUNNANO is also known as. Luoyang Tongrun Nano Technology Co. Ltd. is a reliable global supplier and manufacturer of chemical materials. They have over 12 years’ experience providing high-quality chemicals and Nanomaterials. We produce CaH2 CO2 powder with high purity, small particles and low impurities. We can help you if the price is lower.
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