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What are the properties of silicon disulfide (SiO2)?

Silicon disulfide The crystal structure of silicon disulfide is an orthorhombic, tetragonal white fibrous system. The molecular form of silicon disulfide (SiS2) is SiS2. Under normal temperature and pressure it is stable, but when exposed to moisture or heated, it will decompose into H2S and siO2.
Inorganic silicon disulfide has the chemical formula SiS2. It is a material that is similar to silica but with a one-dimensional polymer structure.

What is silicon disulfide prepared?

1. Burn aluminum powder in a furnace with extra sulfur. The aluminum sulfide mixture is crushed with a little excess silica and then mixed. Place the mixture in a crockpot. Next, place the crockpot inside a quartz tube. Finally, heat the mixture while introducing a small quantity of dry nitrogen to the quartz tube. The reaction begins around 1100degC. At 1200 to 1330degC sublimed SiS2 sticks to the area of low temperature in the tube. When purifying, use sublimation under nitrogen or vacuum. The mixture is heated between 5x103MPa (700degC) and silicon to get tetragonal SiS2.

2. Heat will decompose hydrocarbon-based sulfide silicon to produce silicon disulfide or sulfide. Sulfur will cause the decomposition to occur at a much lower temperature if added. Mix 96g of Sulfur and 39g Si (SC2H5)4 in a bowl and heat it at 200degC (10min) to create silicon disulfide. After benzene is dissolved, the resulting mixture is filtered in conditions that do not allow moisture to mix.

Tech Co., Ltd. is a professional silicon disulfide We have over 12 years’ experience in the development of chemical products. You can contact us for high-quality silica disulfide. Contact us Send an inquiry.

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