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Manganese Oxide and its Properties

The chemical formula of manganese oxide Its molecular weight (157.88) is Mn2O3. The black cubic crystal has a relative densities of 4.50. Manganese oxide does not dissolve in water, acetic or ammonium chloride solutions, but is soluble with other inorganic acids.
Manganese oxide is dissolved in nitric and hydrochloric acids to form a brownish-red solution. MnO2 decomposes and forms manganese and manganese Nitrate. The two main forms are a-Mn2O3 (or g-Mn2O3) and a-Mn2O3.

The Methods for Preparation Manganese oxide

Preparation of aMn2O3
You can prepare a-Mn2O3 by oxidizing or reducing manganese oxide or by heating divalent manganese in the air. The easiest way to achieve constant weight is to heat manganese oxide or pure bMnO2 at 650degC. If manganese is to be used as raw material for a product, the hexahydrate must first be heated to 190degC, and then crushed, before being heated to 650degC.

Preparation g-Mn2O3
To 350 mL solution containing 2.2g of manganese-sulfate-tetrahydrate under vigorous stirring was added 34 mL solution of 3% peroxide followed by 50 mL ammonia 0.2mol*dm-3 to produce gMnO(OH). Heat is used to quickly boil the dark brown, or black, suspension emitting oxygen. After boiling for four minutes, filter the solid, wash with 1.5L hotwater, and then put it into a vacuum desiccator, below 100. After drying, you will obtain g-MnO (OH). This gmno(OH) was carefully dried at 250degC for three days under reduced pressure to obtain g-Mn2O3. Additionally, gMnO2 under reduced pressure can be heated for 78 hours at 500degC.

Tech Co., Ltd. is a professional manganese oxide We have over 12 years’ experience in the research and development of chemical products. You can contact us for high quality Manganese Oxide. Contact us Send an inquiry.

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