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Nano silver colloidal The particle size ranges from 1-100nm. The nano-silver particle size is usually between 20 and 50 nanometers. However, some particles can be smaller than 5 nanometers. It has a broad spectrum bactericidal action, killing about 650 types of bacteria.

The Property of Nano Silver Colloidal

1. Broad-spectrum Antibacterial Nano-silver is a metal that acts on cell membrane proteins, which can destroy the bacterial membrane. It can also combine with oxygen metabolism (-SH) enzymes to block the absorption of nutrients for growth by bacteria.

2. Strong Permeability
Nano silver particles have high permeability and can penetrate quickly 2mm below the surface of the skin. They have a great sterilization impact on bacteria such as common, stubborn, drug-resistant and fungal infections.

3. Strong sterilization
Silver and silicon are used to kill over 650 different types of bacteria. The complex quickly blends nano-silver with bacteria’s cell walls to produce a powerful bactericidal action.

4. Durable, antibacterial and washable
Nano-silver polymerizes to form rings on the textile surface, which makes it durable and machine washable.

5. Repeatability
Silver nanoparticles can be released from the membrane of cells after they combine with oxygen metabolism (-SH).

6. Non-toxic and safe
Silver is described as non-toxic in the “Compendium Materia Medica” from 1850. The US Public Health Service, “Investigation Report on Silver Toxicity”, published in 1990, states that: Silver has no side effects on human beings; Nano-silver topical drugs have a low silver content. This is the most safest method of taking medication.

7. No Resistance
Nano silver, which is not an antibiotic, has a unique antibacterial mechanism that can kill bacteria directly and quickly, thus preventing them from reproducing. This means that the next generation cannot be produced, and can therefore effectively avoid repeated drug-resistant attacks.

Application of Nano Silver Colloidal

Essentials for daily life
Nano silver can also be used to spray on various paper and textile products, as well as soaps, masks for the face, and scrubbing agents.

Chemical building materials
Nano silver is added to paints based on water, solid liquid paraffins (liquid paraffin), inks, and other organic solvents.

Medical and health care:
Nano-silver can be used to make medical rubber tubes, medical gauze and antibacterial products such as women’s external drugs.

Ceramic products
The tableware and sanitary ware can be made from nano-silver antibacterial. It can be manufactured.

Plastic products
Add nano silver to plastic products like PE, PP and PET. Antibacterial properties can be achieved by adding nano silver to plastic products such as PE, PP, PC and PET.

Tech Co., Ltd. is a professional nano silver colloidal Over 12 years in research and product development. You can contact us for high quality colloidal nano-silver. Contact us Send an inquiry.

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