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Lithium Sulfide This crystal ranges in color from white to golden. It is easily oxidized and can absorb moisture from the atmosphere. It should be stored in a dry atmosphere.

Lithium Sulfide Properties:

The molecular formula for lithium is Li2S. This is a sulfide form of lithium. The molecular weight is 45.95. The crystal is white to yellow with an inverse structure of fluorite. Lithium Sulfide melts at 938degC. It boils at 1372degC.
Lithium sulfide dissolves easily in water, is soluble when mixed with ethanol, but insoluble when mixed with alkali. Lithium Sulfide could be used in lithium-ion rechargeable batteries as an electrolyte.

Lithium Sulfide absorbs air vapor and dissolves it, releasing a highly toxic gas called hydrogen sulfide. Hydrogen sulfide is released when lithium sulfide is separated with acid. Lithium can also react violently to nitric and hydrobromic acids, but only after heating. Lithium reacts slowly with concentrated acid sulfuric, but violently when it is diluted. Lithium Sulfide reacts with oxygen at about 300degC to produce lithium sulfate, not sulfur dioxide.

Lithium Sulfide Preparation:

You can prepare Lithium Sulfide in a number of ways.
In the old days, sulfur and lithium were heated together and then carbon or hydrogen is used to reduce the lithium sulfate while heating. This produces lithium sulfide.

The ethanol adduct from lithium hydrosulfide can be decomposed by lithium ethoxide to produce lithium sulfur.

Some people have used lithium pentoxide with hydrogen sulfide as a reaction to create lithium hydrogensulfide. Then, they heated it in vacuum and decomposed the lithium hydrogensulfide into lithium sulfide.

Anhydrous lithium sulfide of high quality can be made by reacting metallic Lithium with Hydrogen Sulfide in Tetrahydrofuran.

Tech Co., Ltd. is a professional The powder of lithium sulfide We have over 12 years’ experience in the research and development of chemical products. Please feel free to contact us if high quality lithium-sulfide is what you’re looking for. Contact us Send an inquiry.

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