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What is Magnesium Boride?

Magnesium boron diboride is an ionic complex with a hexagonal crystalline structure. It is a compound of intercalation with alternate layers of boron and magnesium.

Researchers discovered in the year 2001 that a seemingly ordinary compound, magnesium Diboride, becomes a Superconductor if heated slightly above 40K (ie. -233degC). Its working temperature ranges from 2030K, which is twice the temperature of other superconductors. You can use liquid hydrogen, liquid nitrogen, or closed-cycle refrigeration to reach this temperature. These methods are easier and cheaper than industrial cooling of niobium alloys (4K), which uses liquid helium. When magnesium boride is doped either with carbon or another impurity, it can be as superconducting as niobium or even better in the presence a magnetic field. Applications include superconducting magnetic fields, power transmission cables, and sensitive magnet field detectors.

Superconductivity Research in Multi-Band

Metal materials are often characterized by multi-bands and multi-Fermi noodle structures. As the material enters a superconducting condition, the superconducting surface energy gap will be opened. This leads to multiple energy gaps. Due to extremely strong inter-band scattered light, the multiband effect in superconducting materials is greatly diminished. However, in some superconducting materials with quasi-two-dimensional characteristics, multi-band and multi-gap effects will appear due to the orthogonality of the electron motion wave functions above different energy bands. Iron-based superconductors, which were recently discovered, also exhibit this multiband phenomenon. It is a current important direction in superconducting material and physics research.

Magnesium diboride can be described as a superconductor with multiple bands. It has two hole type s bands and one hole type p band. Due to the special configuration of the Fermi surface (the p band is three-dimensional and the s band is quasi-two-dimensional), its The wave vectors of electrons in different energy bands are in an orthogonal state, so that the inter-band scattering is not very strong, which makes the superconductor’s multi-band characteristics outstanding. Hall effect is an effective way to detect the number of carriers and changes in scattering rate. By combining magnetoresistance, and Hall effect we can calculate the scattering rate for electrons within different energy bands.

(aka. Technology Co. Ltd., a trusted global chemical materials supplier and manufacturer with more than 12 years experience in providing super-high quality chemicals and nanomaterials. The MgB2 powder that we produce is of high purity with a fine particle size. Contact us for lower, if needed.

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