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The titanium carbide-based Cermet is a heterogeneous material that is composed of metal phase or TiC ceramic. It combines high strength, high wear resistance, high temperature resistance as well as chemical stability and chemical resistance of ceramics. For titanium carbide-based Cermets, there are a number of synthetic preparation processes. Each has advantages and drawbacks. In the actual production, processes that are suitable for different applications and price factors can be chosen. 1. Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD)

This method is a technology that deposits a thick, solid coating on a surface using a gas-phase reaction. Due to the fact that the entire reaction in this method is based upon thermodynamics the CVD film offers good adhesion as well as coatingability. It also has a dense film layer and a high film-base adhesive strength.

The processing temperature of this method (generally between 9001200) is high. The high temperatures cause the matrix of steel to soften. Vacuum quenching is required after the processing. The workpiece is easily deformed and the process is complex. This results in a decrease in the bending resistance of the matrix. During the preparation, harmful waste gases and waste liquids will be generated, causing industrial pollution. This is contrary to the green industry that the country advocates today.

2. Physical vapor deposition (PVD)

This method utilizes physical processes, such as thermal, sputtering and glow discharge discharge, to deposit the desired layer on the surface of substrate. This includes sputtering, ion and evaporation technology. The two latter PVD techniques are more widely used today for the preparation of ceramic coatings.

A PVD film’s brittleness makes it easy to peel and crack. It is also a linear process, with poor adhesion, and coating properties. During processing, the workpiece is required to swing or rotate. This increases the difficulty in designing the vacuum chamber. There are problems such as an ineffective coating.

3. Liquid deposition

This is a chemical wet film-forming method. The principle is to drive hydrolysis balance movement of the metallic compound by replacing the ligand between the ions so that metal oxide or hydroxide can be deposited on substrates to form thin film coatings. The method works under low-temperature/room-temperature conditions. No heat treatment is needed, nor is expensive processing equipment.

The main disadvantage is that the liquid phase reaction is highly unstable and has many influences.

4. Thermal spraying

The process involves heating linear materials or powders into a molten, semi-molten, or vaporized state, using heat sources such as arcs, flames, or plasma. High-speed droplets are formed and sprayed on the substrate, creating a coating. They can also be used as a protective coating, to restore or strengthen the material’s surface, or to regenerate it. Plasma spraying, flame spraying and arc-spraying techniques are all part of the method.

5. In-situ Synthesis

The second phase of reinforcement is synthesized without pollution and is distributed evenly, which is an advantage over traditional processes such as powder metallurgy or smelting. The application of in-situ technology has expanded to include metal-based and cermet-based materials.

6. Other Synthetic Methods

Other synthetic methods include liquid EDM surface enhancement, sol-gel, self-propagating heat propagation, melting and cast methods, powder metal methods, mechanical alloying, thermal spraying, melting and cast methods, powder metallurgy, and others. In industrial production, the choice of the preparation process for carbonized-based cermet can be made according to the conditions and requirements of each application.

(aka. Technology Co. Ltd., a reputable global chemical material manufacturer and supplier with over 12 year’s experience in the supply of super-high-quality chemicals. Titanium Carbide TiC is produced in high purity with fine particles by our company. Contact us if you need to.

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