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Titanium diboride powder The hexagonal structure of the crystals (AlB2) is gray, gray-black or black. The melting temperature of titanium diboride (2980degC) is high, and it also has a very hard surface. It is stable to HCl, HF and anti-oxidation temperatures. Titanium Diboride is used primarily to prepare composite ceramic materials. Due to its ability to resist corrosion, titanium diboride may be used for the production of electrolytic cell electrodes and molten metallic crucibles.

The Preparation Of Titanium Diboride

There are many methods that can be used to prepare titanium diboride. These include the carbothermic method of reduction, the self-propagating method at high temperature, mechanochemical method, vaporization method, and ball milling.
1.Carbothermal Reduction Method
The quality of the titanium diboride powder synthesized depends on the powder purity. This is achieved by using titanium and boron oxids as raw materials. Carbon black as the reducing agent. This process is widely used in industrial production. The powder obtained from this process has large particles and is high in impurities.

Self-propagating High-Temperature Synthesis (SHS)
In general, this method is to compress the raw material mixture that will be reacted and ignite one end of the resulting block. The reaction releases a huge amount of heat, which causes adjacent materials to react. Eventually a combustion waves spreading at speed v forms. As the combustion waves advance, the raw materials are transformed into the finished product. The self-propagating, high-temperature method can be combined with special technical means to produce a dense material of titanium diboride.

Method of mechanical reaction (MR).
The powder reactant is placed into a high-energy mill and is repeatedly deformed under the pressure and shearing from the grinding ball. The ball milling medium generates chemical energy through the violent friction. Comparing the two first methods of preparing titanium dioxide, the mechanochemical reactions method is more cost-effective, has a wide range of raw material sources, and produces titanium diboride at a low temperature.

The Application of Titanium Diboride

Titanium diboride can be mixed with ceramic polymers and other metals to create new materials that have commercial applications.

1.Titanium boride can serve as an additive for grain refinement or particle strengthening. It can be used to enhance the mechanical and physic properties of materials based on aluminum, copper and titanium-aluminum alloy.

It is possible to combine titanium diboride and non-oxide ceramics, such as silicon carbide, aluminum nitride or titanium carbide. Or, it can be combined with oxide ceramics, such as alumina.

PTC head-type materials and PTC heating ceramics can be created by mixing titanium diboride powder with high performance resin. They have many advantages, such as safety, power savings, reliability and ease of processing and molding. These include electric irons (and blankets), electric ovens (and air conditioners), and electric blankets. This is a key high-tech to upgrade household appliances like hot-air heaters.

It has excellent electrical conductivity, and is resistant to corrosion caused by molten metallic. It is used for evaporators as well as aluminum electrolytic cells cathodes, electrodes and contact heads.

5. The use of titanium dioxide as the cathode material for the aluminum electrolytic battery can reduce its power consumption and extend the life span of the cell.

6. Titanium diboride may be used in the manufacture of ceramic tools and molds. It is used for the manufacture of finishing tools, wire drawings dies extrusions, sandblasting components, etc.

Tech Co., Ltd. is a professional titanium diboride powder Over 12 years in research and development of chemical products. You can contact us for high quality Titanium Diboride Powder. Contact us Send an inquiry.

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