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Iron is one of the most important elements used in human civilization. It is found in all sorts of things from steel car frames to tools to the horseshoes we wear on our feet. It is also a very versatile metal, being malleable and ductile, allowing it to be stretched or bent without breaking. It also combines easily with oxygen to make rust, and it is very magnetic.

When it comes to the melting point for iron, though, a lot less is known than we’d like. This is partly due to the fact that we don’t really know what conditions are present in our planet’s core. While experiments and computer simulations have tried to explore this, there is still a large range of results.

The team led by Fultz and Mauger decided to investigate the problem by using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. They looked at how the properties of iron changed with temperature, taking into account the effects of both magnetism and atomic vibrations. This is because atomic vibrations are the largest source of disorder in solids, and these can affect whether or not a material melts at high temperatures.

They found that the melting points for iron depend on how much carbon is present in the alloy. This is because any impurity in the metal will cause the bonds between atoms to change. This will lower the melting point. In addition, the presence of other metals in the alloy will also suppress the melting point. This is because these metals add different properties to the iron, such as strength or corrosion resistance.

    By admin