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silver iodide uses

The most common use for silver iodide is in cloud seeding, a technique that changes the amount and type of precipitation in a rain or snow cloud. It is an effective way to increase the amount of precipitation in a region that has been experiencing drought.

Cloud seeding uses a foreign material, usually silver iodide or dry ice (solid carbon dioxide), that is dropped into a rain or snow cloud to form nuclei–tiny cores–on which water can condense into droplets. This process can be very successful, as it causes a substantial increase in the number of water droplets in a cloud.

Aside from cloud seeding, silver iodide is also used to clear fog and fight forest fires. It is also a very photosensitive compound, making it useful in photography.

Moreover, silver iodide is also an antiseptic material and a laboratory reagent. It is used in many other applications, such as in X-ray and MRI machines.

It is also used in solar cells to help convert light into electricity, a process known as high photon-to-current conversion. It is available in a variety of forms including powders and liquids, and can be customized to your needs.

As a solid, silver iodide is a very conductive electrolyte with an electrical conductivity of close to 10-5 S cm-1 at 25 degC. This is the highest value for a silver-containing solid electrolyte, and makes it useful in conducting electricity across wide gaps.

    By admin