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What does atomized copper powder mean? Further processing of the atomized Copper powder involves electrolytic copper. The powder can be described as a light red, dendritic and irregularly packed, spherical, or spherical. It can be easily oxidized in humid air. Good formability, low bulk density, and long shelf life. This product is used extensively in powder metallurgy, friction, inks, electric carbon products, chemical contacts and diamond products. High bulk density is a characteristic of spherical or spherical Copper powder. It’s widely used in electronic manufacturing, injection molding and welding.

Process for producing atomized copper powder

Electrolytic copper plate-smelting-water (gas) atomization-vacuum drying-high temperature oxidation-crushing-reduction-crushing-classification

Smelt Controlling the impurities during the copper melting process is essential to assure that the final powder exhibits good fluidity. Conductivity. Heat to 1150-1200degC with an intermediate frequency furnace, electric arc furnace or in a normal fashion. The most critical step before the atomization is smelting. It is possible to control the copper smelting procedure and reduce bulk density. Atomization There are two main types of industrialized production methods for atomized copper powder: the gas and water atomization methods. There is a difference in the atomizing media used, however the process of creating powder remains the same. You can divide it into two types depending on which gas media you use: argon or air atomization. To obtain finer powder, supersonic Atomization is also used.

The effect of water-atomization on gas atomization was proven superior to that of gas atomization.


Reduction is simple. It takes 60 to 120 minutes, with a temperature range of 400 to 600. Part of the oxygen in the atomization reaction is converted to copper oxide on the surface. This copper oxide penetrates inside the particles. It is necessary to reduce the temperature very quickly in order to remove oxygen. Copper will naturally sintered under this temperature, so grinding large quantities of sintered block is required. New water mist-oxidation methods can now eliminate the need for the reduction step. It saves time and energy. Antioxidant treatment Thermodynamically, copper can be unstable in the atmosphere. Copper powder, particularly in humid conditions, will eventually oxidize in the environment. Because copper’s surface is easily absorbed water vapor from the air to create a water film, Because of the thick water film that forms on the surface, very little oxygen can be absorbed and thus the oxygen concentration is lower, it is a microanode. A micro-cathode occurs in the area with easy oxygen access. The copper powder exhibits a very low concentration. Due to the battery effect, copper powder gradually becomes oxidized. Antioxidants are applied to the copper powder, and the film is absorbed and coated. This creates an antioxidation effect, and extends the life of the material. Benzotriazole and soap liquid (BTA), gelatin, protein hydrolyzate, and soap liquid all have corrosion inhibiting effects on copper powder water. TRUNNANO is also known as. Luoyang Tongrun Nano Technology Co. Ltd. is a reliable global supplier and manufacturer of chemical materials. They have over 12 years’ experience providing high-quality chemicals and Nanomaterials. High purity, small particles size, and low impurity are the hallmarks of our Cu powder. We can help you if your requirements are lower.
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