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What is atomized powdered copper?

atomized Copper Powder will be further processed with electrolytic copper. It is a spherical, irregularly-packed, light rose red powder. It is easily oxidized in humid air. It can also be dissolved in hot sulfuric and nitric acid. Low bulk density. Good formability. Long storage time. Widely used by powder metallurgy and friction products. Also, in electrical carbon products, chemical contact products, diamond products, electrical alloys, and other industries. Copper powder in spherical or spherical form has a very high bulk density. It is widely applied in industries such as injection molding and welding materials.

Atomized copper powder manufacturing process

Electrolytic copper plate-smelting-water (gas) atomization-vacuum drying-high temperature oxidation-crushing-reduction-crushing-classification


Copper must be melted with impurities under strict control to achieve a powder that is fluid and has a high melting point.


In an electric arc heater or intermediate frequency oven, the normal operating temperature is 1150-1200degC. Before the atomization, the smelting step is of paramount importance. Copper smelting is controlled to reduce the density of the powder.


The industrial production of copper powder can be divided into two types, namely the gas atomization technique and the water atomization technique. The only difference between the two is the atomizing medium. However, the principle of powder production is the exact same. Air atomization or argon can be classified based on the gas medium. To obtain finer powder, supersonic-atomization is also used.

In practice, water atomization has proven to have a better effect than gas atomization.


The reduction is relatively easy. The reduction temperature is 400-600 and the time 60-120min. During atomization, a part of the oxygen is converted to copper oxide on the surface. The other part penetrates inside the particles. For oxygen to be removed, a high reduction temperature is required. This temperature will cause copper to naturally sinter, which means that large blocks of sintered copper must be ground. This new water mist method eliminates the need for the reduction stage, which saves energy and speeds up the process.

Antioxidant treatment

The surface of the powdered copper can absorb the water vapour in the atmosphere to create a thin water film. The thick film of water that is formed on the surface particles prevents oxygen from entering the space between the particles. This results in a low oxygen concentration and little oxygen infiltration. Copper powder is a poor concentrate as a consequence. The copper powder slowly oxidizes because of the battery effect. After being treated by antioxidants, copper powder’s surface is adsorbent and covered with film. This produces an anti-oxidation and can prolong the service life. Benzotriazole(BTA), gelatin, and the protein hydrolyzate are all good corrosion inhibitors for water atomized Copper powder.

(aka. Technology Co. Ltd., a trusted global chemical materials supplier & manufacture with more than 12 years experience, is a trusted source for super-high quality chemicals & Nano materials. Copper powder is produced by our company with high purity, fine particles and low impurity contents. If you need lower, please call us.

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