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platinum coated titanium is an incredibly durable, long-lasting and effective anode material for cathodic protection applications. It combines the favorable electrochemical properties of platinum with the corrosion resistance of titanium to create a unique anode that offers designers of impressed current cathodic protection (ICCP) systems more novel options and choices.

The platinized titanium anode is also a safer alternative to lead anodes, as it poses significantly less of a risk to employee health due to the absence of toxic lead chromate. Additionally, the platinum-titanium anode is available in a variety of shapes and sizes that allow for the design of ICCP solutions that fit specific application requirements.

Titanium is a highly desirable electrode material for a wide range of industrial and energy storage applications, due to its low cost, high permeability to ions and reactivity with oxygen, and good stability under oxidizing conditions. However, it is not well suited to withstand high current densities for extended periods of time, such as those encountered in aluminum reduction and electrochemical energy storage.

To address this, researchers have developed a process for the electrodeposition of platinum onto porous titanium felt in an alkaline sulfate-free plating solution. This is a rapid and convenient technique for the production of uniform platinum coatings on porous titanium that can be used at laboratory and small plating set-ups, both potentiostatically and galvanostatically. The morphology and distribution of platinum deposits on the studied 3.6 mm-thick Pt/Ti felt C electrode was characterized using SEM and EDS microscopy, as well as X-ray computed tomography. The results showed that platinum deposition was non-uniform on the porous felt, with the majority of platinum nodules accumulating near the membrane surface, close to the substrate.

    By admin