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How does the property of nitinol-metal powder work? Nickelol metal powder is a NiTi-based alloy. It has special memory functions, Shape Memory Alloys. This alloy can be completely eliminated at lower temperatures, and it can also recover its deformation when heated and heated. An alloy with the “memory effect” is in its original form. Numerous successful cases have been made of the use of nitinol powder in the aerospace industry. An antenna for the artificial satellite may be constructed from memory alloy. The parabolic antenna must be folded into the satellite’s body prior to launching artificial satellites. The rocket will lift off and send the artificial satellite into orbit. It only requires heating. Due to the “memory function” of the satellite antenna, it naturally unfolds and recovers its parabolic shape. Many fields, such as the aerospace and machinery industry, electronics, biomedicine and bridge building, automotive industry, daily life, and everyday life, use shape memory alloys because of their many outstanding properties.

What’s the best way to prepare nitinol-metal powder?

For the preparation of spherical, nitinol powder via PREP process: These raw materials are NiTi alloy bar. These are the preparation steps to prepare spherical Nitinol metal powder via the PREP process: First, the raw materials need to be weighed and proportioned in accordance with the experimental design plan. Next, they will be placed into a ball milling tank made of cemented carbide for wet processing. It takes approximately 24 hours to ball mill. Once the ball milling has been completed, pellets are vacuum dried. The drying temperature is 38° C. and time taken to dry them is 50 minutes. Finally, they can be added as a granulation agent. After the prepared powder has been mixed, it is placed into a one-column hydraulic press for compression-forming. It is then transferred to an integrated dewaxing low pressure sintering furnace for sintering. The PREP method was developed using NiTi alloy bar as raw materials. It can be used for the preparation of spherical NiTiol metal powder. Most nitinol metallic powders consist of small, spherical particles. The martensite transformation temperatures decrease with decreasing particle sizes. PREP prepares spherical nickel metal powder. Its hardness, density degree, and bending strength have been greatly increased. Luoyang Trunnano Tech Co., Ltd. is an experienced nitinol-metal powder manufacturer with more than 12 years’ experience in chemical product research and development. We can help you find high-quality Nitinol Metal Powder. Please contact us to send an enquiry.
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