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Niobium is a very expensive metal, and therefore very valuable. This rare metal is only found in two places in the world: in pyrochlore and columbite, and it is used in a wide range of applications, including nuclear technology, superconductors, and aerospace manufacturing.

Niobium C-103 alloy is a complex refractory metal that was first used in space decades ago, within the nozzle extended segment of the Apollo manned lunar module rocket engine [1]. Refractory metals are very hard, with exceptionally high mechanical strength and stability across huge temperature ranges (from cryogenic to extremely hot), making them an ideal choice for aerospace fabrication.

Unlike tungsten or molybdenum alloys, which have been used in rocket and jet propulsion systems since the dawn of the Space Age, niobium alloys are better able to resist intense vibrations at cryogenic temperatures and to maintain structural integrity at high pressures in extreme environments. C-103 is also lighter than tungsten and more resistant to stress corrosion cracking and oxidation.

Admat’s niobium hafnium alloy is produced by alloying niobium, hafnium, and titanium together in a vacuum furnace to create very uniform ingots that can be formed into sheets, plates, rods, bars, billets, or custom manufactured parts. We offer a wide range of sizes and specifications, and we have the capabilities to provide both small prototype quantities as well as large production volumes. All of our niobium C-103 powders are spherical and meet the ASTM B652, B655, AMS7852, AMS7857, or AMS-QQ-N-962-01 requirements.

    By admin