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nickel nitride formula is an inorganic compound of nickel and nitrate. It is a green hygroscopic crystalline solid. It is soluble in water. It is non-combustible, but it will accelerate the burning of combustible materials. It is an oxidizing agent and may cause eye, skin and respiratory tract irritation. It is also toxic to aquatic organisms. It is a precursor for nickel hydrazine nitrate, which is explosive. It is used in nickel plating and to make nickel catalysts for chemical production.

It has the chemical formula Ni(NO3)2. The hydrates lose water upon heating and decompose to nickel oxide. Its structure can be characterized using differential thermal analysis and thermogravimetric analysis. The anhydrous nickel nitrate can be prepared by reacting the hexahydrate with nickel oxide in an aqueous solution of ammonium carbonate.

The hexahydrate is anhydrous, but its structure can be characterized using differential thermal analysis. The anhydrous nickel nitrate is obtained by reacting the hexahydrate in an aqueous solution of ammoniumcarbonate. Its structure can be characterized using differentiating thermal analysis and thermogravimetric analysis.

Nickel nitride is an oxidizing agent and may cause irritation to eyes, skin and respiratory tract, and it can be toxic to aquatic organisms. It can also cause skin allergy and is a carcinogen. Exposure to hexahydrate nickel nitrate has been shown to significantly reduce DNA synthesis in Chinese hamster ovary cells. Nickel nitrate is highly soluble in water and can dissolve in hot acid solutions such as concentrated hydrochloric or sulfuric acid.

    By admin