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What is nano Ferrosoferric oxide? Ferrosoferric oxide is also called Iron (II, III) oxide, Fe3O4. Black Fe3O4 is a mixed-valence oxide of iron with a melting point of 1597 and a density of 5.18g/cm3. It is insoluble in water but soluble in acid solution. It appears in nature in the form of magnetite and has strong sub magnetite and high conductivity at room temperature.
Ferromagnetic and ferromagnetic materials undergo a second-order phase transition to paramagnetic materials above Curie temperature. The Curie temperature of Fe3O4 is 585.
Nano-ferrosoferric oxide (Fe3O4) powder is magnetic and can move directionally in the external magnetic field. Its particle size is superparamagnetic in a certain range, and it can generate heat under the action of the external alternating electromagnetic field. Its chemical properties are stable, so it is widely used.
What are magnetic nanoparticles?
Magnetic Nanoparticles/Magnetic Nanoparticles (MNPs) are new materials with rapid development and high application value in recent years. They have been applied more and more widely in many fields of modern science, such as biomedicine, Magnetic fluid, catalysis, nuclear Magnetic resonance imaging, data storage and environmental protection
As is known to all, when the particle size is reduced to the nanometer scale, nano-Ferrosoferric oxide Fe3O4 has special magnetic properties which are different from conventional bulk materials due to the small size effect, surface effect, quantum size effect and macroscopic quantum tunneling effect of Nano-particles. This also makes it in industry, biological medicine and other fields have a special application.
One of the typical applications of nano-Ferrosoferric oxide Fe3O4 is in biomedicine.

Magnetic polymer microspheres (also known as immune magnetic microsphere) is composed of magnetic nanoparticles and polymer scaffold material preparation of biomedical materials, polymer materials include silane, polyethylene, polystyrene, poly (acrylic acid, starch, dextrin, gelatin, albumin, ethylcellulose, skeleton materials are mainly inorganic materials with magnetic.
Fe3O4 because of stable material properties, and has good biocompatibility, high strength, and non-toxic side effects, etc., and is widely used in biomedical fields, such as magnetic resonance imaging, magnetic separation, targeted drug carrier, separation, cell markers and tumor heat treatment technology, as well as enhance the developer, the contrast research, retinal detachment surgery to repair, etc. Especially in the treatment of cancer-oriented drug carriers and tumor, magnetic hyperthermia therapy has become the focus and hotspot of domestic research.
Fe3O4 Ferrosoferric oxide Supplier
(aka. Technology Co. Ltd.) is a trusted global chemical material supplier & manufacturer with over 12 years of experience in providing super high-quality chemicals and Nanomaterials. Currently, our company has successfully developed a series of materials. The Fe3O4 Ferrosoferric oxide powder produced by our company has high purity, fine particle size and impurity content. For the latest price of Fe3O4 Ferrosoferric oxide, send us an email or click on the needed products to send an inquiry.

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