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molybdenum wafer is a kind of metal product with wide application in various fields such as electronics, metallurgy, optical and chemical industry. It is highly conductive, has high melting point and low thermal expansion coefficient. In addition, it is also resistant to strong corrosion and has good toughness.

As a result of these properties, pure molybdenum and molybdenum alloys are used in many critical industrial applications, such as sputtering targets, iron implantation machine parts, heat spreader and vacuum devices parts. In recent years, emerging AI applications have demanded denser and more powerful computer chips. However, the complexities of building these chips using bulk materials have hindered the speed of development.

Researchers are seeking to address this challenge by growing 2D materials directly onto chip circuits, but the current processes only allow for a few percent yield for fully functional transistors. In a new approach, researchers have developed a system that allows them to grow molybdenum disulfide directly on the surface of a silicon wafer, paving the way for a new generation of faster and more powerful computers.

Monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) have been receiving increasing interest as a material for ultrathin optoelectronic devices such as photodetectors and FETs. However, their practical applications have been limited by difficulties in synthesizing high-quality TMD films over centimeter-scale areas by chemical vapor deposition from liquid precursors. These films typically exhibit inferior optoelectronic performance compared to those fabricated from mechanically exfoliated layers due to the lack of wafer-scale uniformity of monolayer thickness and quality.

    By admin