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mercurous nitrate dihydrate is an inorganic compound with the chemical formula Hg2(NO3)2. It is a white crystalline substance and noncombustible. It is used as a reagent to prepare other mercury compounds. It has a reagent grade which means it is the highest quality commercially available for this chemical.
Human mercurial poisoning, or mercurialism, occurs from exposure to inorganic and organic mercury-containing compounds that are degraded in the liver to mercuric metal. Inorganic mercury poisoning can occur in industrial settings during paper manufacture or chlorine production, or as a result of excessive use of calomel or merthiolate in ear irrigations or dental amalgams.
Other inorganic mercury-containing compounds that can cause mercurial poisoning are phenylmercury (phenylmercury fumes and vapors), alkylmercury (methylmercury and ethylmercury) and methoxymercury. Methoxymercury is a highly biodegradable form of mercury that can exert toxic effects similar to inorganic mercury.
Phenylmercury, a relatively inorganic form of mercury, can be ingested in small amounts through eating fish that are contaminated with this metal. Ingestion of a large amount of phenylmercury may lead to acrodynia, a skin condition that causes redness, pain and inflammation of the extremities.
Alkylmercury can be ingested in small amounts by eating fish containing methylmercury or in the form of hair dyes that are based on this chemical. Exposure to alkylmercury can cause the development of acrodynia and a skin condition called dermatitis rubra.
Inorganic mercurial salts such as mercuric nitrate have been implicated in the development of ALS-like and motor neuron disease-like syndromes, although the presence of accumulated mercury (Hg2+) in spinal or brainstem motor neurons is not always evident. However, MRI studies have shown that exposure to inorganic mercuric salts can induce a motor neuron disease-like syndrome.