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What is Magnesium Nitride (MgN)? Magnesium-nitride The inorganic compound Mg3N2 is composed of magnesium and nitrogen. It has a molecular formula of Mg3N2 with a weight of 100.9494. Belongs in the cubic crystal system. At room temperature, pure magnesium nitride powder is yellow-green. However, magnesium nitride that contains some magnesium oxide is off-white. Ammonia is formed when magnesium nitride reacts to water, as it does with many metal nitrides. Magnesium strips can be heated in nitrogen and then burned to produce magnesium nitride. It is often used as a catalyst.
Magnesium nitride chemical and physical properties
Magnesium (Mg3N2) nitride is an inorganic compound with a cubic crystalline system made of nitrogen and magnesium. At room temperature, pure magnesium nitride powder is yellow-green. However magnesium nitride that contains some magnesium oxide impurities appears off-white. It is soluble in acid and slightly soluble with ethanol, but not ether.
Magnesium Nitride, like other metal nitrides that react with water to create ammonia, also does this. Reacts with non-metal oxides or acids to produce ammonium salts.

Magnesium nitride preparation
Prepare magnesium nitride The strip of magnesium can be burnt with nitrogen. The reaction is:
It is possible to produce magnesium oxide in the above reaction if the Nitrogen is not pure. The reaction is best done in dry NH3 gases.
Install the magnesium chips in a sintered or porcelain boat. Install the boat in a tube made of porcelain. The porcelain tube has a T-shaped tube attached at one end. The porcelain tube ends are connected with U-shaped tubes, which are filled with desiccant. The absorption device is made up of two conical flasks that are filled with diluted sulfuric acid. Avoid inserting the tube of first absorption bottle beneath the surface of dilute sulfuric.
Pour NH3 or N2 until the second bottle of absorption stops bubbling. This means that all air has been expelled from the porcelain tubes. The temperature will be increased to 800-850degC. The magnesium powder will then be heated for 4hrs. As the magnesium powder heats up, the reaction begins. H2 must also be produced. The pressure of the NH3 during the reaction should be higher than that outside atmospheric pressure, to avoid back-suction. After the reaction has finished, shut off NH3, but keep the temperature at the same level. Continue to pass N2 over 1.5 hours to remove the NH3*Mg3N2 adsorbent on Mg3N2. The NH3*Mg3N2 molecule is highly liquescent, and should be stored in an airtight container.
When the magnesium belt is burnt in the atmosphere, magnesium oxide and magnesium nitride are produced.
Magnesium Nitride Application
1. Use as a catalyst in the preparation of nitrides containing other elements that have high hardness, thermal conductivity and corrosion resistance. Also used for high temperature resistance. Magnesium nitride acted as a catalyst when cubic boron-nitride, a new material, was synthesized successfully for the first time.
2. Additives in the production of high-strength alloy steel. Magnesium (Mg3N2) can replace desulfurized calcium in construction steel smelting, improving the density, strength, durability, and tensile strength of steel. Magnesium nitride can be used to desulfurize construction steel, and it is also a cost-effective way to do so.
3. Preparation special ceramic materials
4. Foaming Agent for Manufacturing Special Alloys
5. Special glass is used to make.
6. Crosslinking catalytic polymer;
7. Recycling of nuclear waste
8. Use as a catalyst material in the synthesis for diamond synthesis, and cubic boron-nitride.

(aka. Technology Co. Ltd., a trusted global chemical supplier and manufacturer of high-quality nanomaterials with over 12 year’s experience in the field. The magnesium nitride that we produce is of high purity with fine particles and low impurity. Please. Contact us if necessary.

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