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A melting point is the temperature at which enough energy in the form of heat can break the attractions between particles, changing the state from solid to liquid. The melting point of an ionic compound (like sodium chloride) will be higher than the melting point of a non-ionic compound because the ions in the ionic compound are more attracted to each other than the ions in the non-ionic compound.

The ions in an ionic compound are attracted to each other because of their positive charges and the negative charges. This force is called electrostatic attraction and it holds the ions together.

In an ionic compound, the ions are held together by strong ionic bonds that are arranged in regular patterns called crystal lattices. These ionic bonds require a large amount of energy to break, which is why the ionic compounds have high melting and boiling points.

Magnesium chloride is one of the most common ionic halides found naturally in the environment. It can be extracted from brine and sea water, including in North America, where it is produced primarily from the Great Salt Lake brine and in Jordan Valley.

This is one of the most important ionic compounds, and it has a wide range of applications. It is used in many industrial and medical processes, and it is also a popular antiseptic.

In addition to its widespread use as a humectant and antiseptic, magnesium chloride is one of the main precursors for the production of metallic magnesium. This process is usually carried out by electrolysis in molten salt. Alternatively, it can be prepared from magnesium carbonate by a similar reaction.

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