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Aluminum Nitride Overview Aluminum nitride (Aluminum Nitride) is a non-toxic crystal that belongs to a hexagonal system with wurtzite crystalline structure.
How to make aluminum nitride
The carbothermic reduction technique involves heat treating aluminum oxide or aluminium hydroxide between 1400-1800degC with nitrogen or ammonia, in the presence carbon as a reductant.
What are the uses of aluminum nitride
In the present, most research focuses on a light-emitting device based in semiconductors (gallium oxide or alloy aluminum gallium oxide) that operates under ultraviolet light and has a wavelength of 250 nanometers. Aluminum nitride has many uses in optoelectronics. It is used as a dielectric in optical storage interfaces, electronic substrates, chip carriers with high thermal conductivity and even for military purposes.
A surface acoustic-wave detector also uses epitaxial stretching due to the piezoelectric effects of aluminum Nitride. The detector will then be mounted on a silicon-based wafer. The thin film can only be manufactured reliably in very few places.
It has good thermal conductivity and a low expansion coefficient. It can also be used to make heat exchangers for high-temperature structural components.
Aluminum nitride can resist corrosion to iron, aluminum, and other metals. It can also be used as a casting mold for melting metals including Al, Cu Ag and Pb.

How to package and ship aluminum nitride flakes
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Vacuum packaging is used for powder packaging. There are 4 general specifications: 100g, 500g, 1kg/bag and 25kg/barrel. Naturally, it can be packed according to specific requirements.

Rapid inactivation SARS-CoV-2 using silicon nitride and copper nitride
The Silicon Nitride inactivated SARS CoV-2. The surface release of disinfectants that contain nitrogen is the mechanism. Copper and aluminum nitride are both effective at inactivating viruses. Although the first compound affects the cells, the second compound has a toxic effect. It is necessary to conduct further research to confirm these findings, and to investigate whether silicon-nitride may be incorporated in personal protective gear and on surfaces that are frequently touched as a way to inhibit virus persistence and disease spread.

China’s sensor industry will benefit from aluminum nitride ceramic substrate
In microelectronics the smaller the size of an integrated circuit is, the higher the integration, faster the speed of operation, and better the performance. The Internet of Things is also deployed when the sensor size of the system is smaller. It is easier to use and performs better. The hardware requirements for this are also higher. Its core is the sensor chips. At the moment, China has a small number of large-scale manufacturers, mostly medium-sized ones. The main chip materials are FR-4 substrates, and aluminum substrates. Aluminum nitride-ceramic substrates were used extensively in developed countries. Aluminum nitride Ceramic Substrates have improved thermal conductivity and insulation, as well as better stability. They are the prized possession of top-notch sensor manufacturers.

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