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Fe2S3 structure or more specifically iron sulfide is one of the three most important sulphides synthesized so far. It is a lewis structure compound which is formed by donation and acceptance of electrons. The more electronegative sulphur atom accepts 3 electrons from the more electronegatively neutral iron atom thereby forming an ionic bond which is very strong.

The iron ions are positively charged and the sulphur atoms are negatively charged and hence they form a tetrahedral coordination geometry with six oxygen ligands. This is a very stable arrangement and it also has ferromagnetic properties. This is why it finds application in recording tapes and superconductors. It is also a key player in many biochemical reactions such as nitrogen binding, nitrate reduction, phytoplankton growth and more.

As such it is an important component of the natural and human ecosystems. But despite its importance, it is moderately or negligibly soluble in water. This is because of the low lattice energy of the Fe2S3 structure which causes the iron ions to stay tightly bound together.

A salt is a neutral species which is produced by the reaction of an acid with a base. In most cases the acid is derived from a non-metal family while the base is derived from the metal family. In the case of Fe2S3 structure, it is an inorganic salt which is soluble in acetic acid but not in water.

Carbonates are usually soluble in water but not Fe2S3 structure. The reason for this is that carbonates are salts made up of cations (positively charged ions) and anions (negatively charged ions). The positive cations in Fe2S3 structure are Fe3+ whereas the negative ones are S2-.

    By admin