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What is nanosilver? Nano Silver is a metallic Silver material with a nanometer scale. Silver nanoparticles have a size of 25 nanometers. It has strong inhibition and killing action on dozens pathogenic microorganisms including Escherichiacoli and Neisseria gonorrhoeae. The socks are made of nanometer-sized silver and combed coton fiber and have an excellent antibacterial and deodorant properties.
What are the characteristics and uses of nano-silver
Because of their outstanding electrical conductivity, silver nanoparticles play a significant role in microelectronics. They have special applications such as surface-enhanced Raman, medical, and other applications.
Nano silver is powdered sterling silver. The particle size is usually between 25-50nm and less than 100nm. The size of silver nanoparticles directly influences their properties. It was discovered that smaller particles have stronger bactericidal performances.
How effective is Nano-silver antibacterial?
The nanometer is the smallest unit in measurement after the micron. A nanometer (or nanometer) is the smallest unit of measurement after the micron. Nano silver is the use cutting-edge nanotechnology will Silver nano, nanotechnology can sterilize silver nanoparticles in a quantum leap. They can kill over 650 types of bacteria in just minutes.
Broad-spectrum antibacterial
Silver nanoparticles enter directly the thallus. They bind to the oxygen metabolism enzyme (SH) and cause death. This can kill most bacteria, molds, and other microorganisms that come into contact with them. Eight authoritative Chinese institutions found that it is effective against drug resistant pathogens. This includes drug-resistant Escherichia Coli, drug intolerant Staphylococcus aureus as well as drug-resistant Pseudomonas Aeruginosa and streptococcus Pyogenes. It also has antibacterial activity against drug intolerant enterococcus. It can kill common bacteria found on burns such as Staphylococcus, Escherichiacoli and Pseudomonas. It is also strong in preventing chlamydia and gonorrhea from causing sexually transmitted illnesses.
Nano silver is capable of killing hundreds of pathogen-causing microbes. One antibiotic kills approximately half a dozen bacteria, but nano silver kills hundreds. Kill bacteria, viruses, trichomonas and branch/chlamydia.
Potent bactericidal
In just minutes, Ag was able to kill more than 600 types of bacteria. After binding to the pathogen’s cell wall/membrane, silver nanoparticles could quickly enter the organism and bind rapidly with the sulfuryl group (-SH), which is responsible for the oxygen metabolism enzyme. They then inactivate it, inhibit its respiration, and eventually kill it. The silver nanoparticles’ unique bactericidal mechanism allows them to kill pathogenic bacteria in a short time at low concentrations.
Permeability is a strong characteristic
The super-permeability of silver nanoparticles can penetrate to the subcutaneous 2mm sterilization. This sterilization is good for common bacteria, stubborn bacteria, and fungi due to deep tissue infection.
The restoration
Nano-silver has the ability to promote wound healing, repair and regenerate damaged cells, reduce saprophytic muscles, activate and promote tissue growth, speed up wound healing and decrease scarring.
Antibacterial durable
Nano silver particles made from patented technology can slowly be released into the human body, thanks to a protective film.
There is no resistance
You can use silver nanoparticles to kill pathogenic microorganisms.
Nano silver Supplier
(aka. Technology Co. Ltd. (aka. Our company has developed a number of materials. Our Nano silver powder is high in purity, small particle size, and contains very little impurity. Get the most recent Nano silver price To send an inquiry, please send us an e-mail or click on one of the products.

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