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silicon bricks are refractory products that have high refractoriness under load and good acid slag resistance. They are used in a wide range of applications such as glass kilns, coke ovens and hot blast stoves.

The properties of silica bricks are determined by the chemical composition of raw materials. They can have various mineral components, ranging from tridymite and cristobalite to residual quartz and amorphous state quartz.

Sand is a key component for these bricks, and it should be well graded. The sand should not contain any impurities like soluble slats or organic matter.

Lime is also a vital ingredient for these bricks, and it should be of good quality and high calcium lime. It should be prepared with clean water.

The mixture of sand, lime and pigment is then molded into bricks using a rotary table press. The pressure of pressing varies from 31.5 to 63 N/mm2.

After molding, the bricks are then placed into an autoclave, which is a steel chamber with tightly sealed ends. This method ensures the integrity of the bricks as well as their refractoriness.

Silica bricks are a type of refractory product that has a high temperature refractoriness under load (creep) and good acid slag resistance. They can be used in a wide range of applications such a glass kilns, coke dryers and hot blast stoves.

    By admin