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It is a common saturated long-carbon chain fatty acid. The hydrophilic carboxyl group and the lipophilic carbon chain end are both present in the stearic acid. The surface is hydrophilic of the nano-calcium carbonate, so it is coated with stearic acids to increase its lipophilicity. The large specific surface area of the calcium carbonate and its high specific surface energies make it a good filler for rubber, plastics or advanced inks. The bond between the two can enhance the performance of the product and make it brighter.
Calcium stearate, which is white, is insoluble with water, cold alcohol and ether. It’s soluble, however, in organic solvents, such as hot benzene. It is combustible, and it decomposes very slowly at 400degC. If a strong acid is used, it will decompose into stearic acids and the calcium salt.

Calcium stearate can be produced in four different ways

1. The synthesis is calcium stearate. The sodium stearate and calcium chloride solutions are mixed together at 65degC. Precipitation separates the calcium stearate. The finished product is obtained after it has been filtered, washed in water, and then dried at around 90degC.

2. In 300mL hot water, add 5.60g of calcium oxide (0.1mol). Pour 51.3g of chemically-pure stearic acids in 350mL at 70°C hot water, and add 0.75g diethanolamine. Stir to emulsify. The prepared stearic-acid emulsion is added gradually within 2h to the suspension of calcium oxide, fully stirred. The white, insoluble material, which is calcium stearate was then filtered and dried.

3. The catalyst H2O2 is added slowly under constant stirring to the reaction pot. The reaction lasts 1.5-2.0h. The reaction is complete when the material has been discharged and then cooled.

4. Metathesis method – dissolve stearic acids in hot water 20 times their mass, add caustic soda saturated solution, and perform saponification reactions at around 75degC. You will get dilute sodium stearate. The sodium stearate and calcium chloride solutions were then combined. Metathesis was carried out around 65 degrees Celsius, and calcium stearate precipitated. It is then filtered and washed in water before being dried at around 90degC.
(also called Technology Co. Ltd.) has been a leading global supplier of chemicals and nanomaterials for over 12 years. Our company produces different stearics acids such as lead stearate or aluminum stearate. If you have any questions, please contact us.

    By admin