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cocr alloy is one of the most commonly used materials in the manufacture of artificial joints, gas turbines, and dental partial bridge work. It offers outstanding resistance to oxidation, corrosive fumes, and high temperatures. It is also very biocompatible.


The high strength and rigidity of cobalt-chromium alloys is a major factor in their use as load-bearing surfaces for total hip and knee arthroplasty. In addition, they are known to be highly wear resistant compared to titanium (Ti).

However, this durability is not without risks. During articulation, Co and Cr ions release from the implant surface can cause corrosion and cellular damage. This leads to negative physiological impacts.

In recent years, there have been several studies that investigated the cytotoxicity of cobalt-chromium alloys. The results of these studies are not conclusive.

As a result, regulatory pressure has become increasingly strict for Co with its registration as a CMR substance since 2017. The most important concern is the occurrence of ACD and other adverse effects.

This is why a new approach to manufacturing for CoCr-based load-bearing implants was developed, with the aim of reducing toxic metal ions release during articulation. This method entails coating the material with commercially pure Ti (CpTi) and Ti-Silicon (CoCrTi-Si).

The coated cocr alloy showed reduced ion releases of both Co and Cr during articulation in DMEM media, despite the superior tensile strength and wear resistance. Moreover, it was found that the biocompatibility of CoCr-based load-bearing prostheses is significantly improved with these coated products.

    By admin