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cobalt chromium molybdenum is a versatile metal that can be used in a variety of applications due to its excellent strength and wear resistance. It also has good corrosion resistance at high temperatures. These characteristics make it a popular choice for gas turbine components and engines. In addition to this, it has a good weight-to-strength ratio and is easy to weld. It is also used for cutting tools, bearings, and other machine parts. cobalt chromium molybdenum has recently become an important material in the medical industry as well, with the geriatric population increasing demand for medical implants such as hip or knee joints.

CoCrMo alloys have good biocompatibility and are suitable as substrates for other implantable materials such as titanium or zirconia. However, the osseointegration of these implants is slow and requires several months. Various factors such as the type of implant, surgical technique, patient variables and biological conditions influence this process. Surface modification techniques such as plasma-spraying, acid etching and polishing can increase the rate of osseointegration.

Wrought CoCrMo alloys are typically solution heat treated at 2000degF for one hour and then rapidly quenched with water or compressed air to achieve optimum properties. This thermal history can affect the microstructure, especially the level, morphology and volume fraction of carbide phases. Metallographic studies have shown that the presence of carbides significantly reduces the abrasive wear of these materials. A series of wrought low carbon CoCrMo alloys that have been solution treated, hot isostatic pressed and sintered were studied. These samples were compared to as-cast specimens. They all showed a lower abrasive wear rate than the as-cast specimens. However, some significant differences in the volume fraction and morphology of the carbides were observed between the samples with different thermal histories.

    By admin