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Tungsten carbide is made up of tungsten carbide and carbon. It has a molecular structure of WC, and a weight of 195.85. Tungsten carbid is a black hexagonal crystal, with metallic luster. It is also a great conductor and heat. Tunsten Carbide Properties: Tungsten carbide is a black hexagonal crystal structure. It can be dissolved in hydrofluoric acid, mixed acid of nitrogen, and aqua regia. Tungsten carbide has stable chemical properties. Tungsten carbide is a grey powder with metallic luster. Although it is insoluble with water, hydrochloric, and sulfuric acids, it is easily soluble within a mixture acid of nitric and hydrofluoric acids. It is very fragile if pure tungsten caride is added. However, it can be made less fragile by adding small amounts of cobalt, titanium and other metals. Tungsten Carbide Application: Tungsten carbide is used to cut steel. To increase its anti-knock capability, it’s often combined with tantalum caride or titanium carbide. Tungsten carbide is used to make cemented carbide. Tungsten caride is used extensively in high-speed, fast cutting tools, furnace structural material, jet engine components, jet engine parts and cermet materials. Tungsten carbide powder is used for cutting, wear-resistant and melting of crucibles. Tungsten carbide is used for its super-hardness and wear resistance. WC-TiC-Co-cemented carbidide tools have been extensively used. It is also possible to use as a modification of NbC3-C and TaC3-C ternary-system carbides. This will reduce the sintering temp and preserve excellent performance. It is also suitable for aerospace applications. Tungsten carbid (WC) is made by combining tungsten anhydride, graphite and a reducing environment at high temperatures of 1400-1600. Then hot pressing sintering and hot isostatic pressing can be used to create dense ceramic products. Luoyang Trunnano Tech Co., Ltd. is an tungsten carbide powder professional with over 12 year experience in chemical products development and research. You can pay by credit card, T/T (West Union), and Paypal. Trunnano ships goods by FedEx or DHL to overseas customers by air and sea. Send us an enquiry if you’re looking for high quality, high-quality tungsten carbide powder.
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