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Calcium (Ca) is an electropositive alkaline earth metal with valency 2. It forms cations when it accepts two electrons to fill its outermost orbit or valence shell. It is able to interchange with nitrogen (N) atoms with the chemical formula Ca3N2. The resulting compound is called calcium nitride, also known as calciocium nitride and hexacalcium nitride.

Having the chemical formula Ca3N2, calcium nitride is an inorganic brown nitride powder with different isomorphous forms, of which a-calcium nitride is more commonly encountered. It is soluble in dilute acids and decomposes in alcohol. Calcium nitride can also react with hydrogen to form calcium hydride and calcium amide.

The main method of synthesis for this material involves spraying molten zinc-calcium alloys into a reactor with nitrogen at high temperatures. The resulting powder is then sorted, cleaned and ground to produce uniform particles with a narrow particle size distribution. ’s high-end phosphor Ca3N2 is produced by using this technique, which can improve the performance and service life of phosphor materials.

The properties of this material allow it to be used in a number of applications, such as the production of green and blue LEDs. It can also be employed in light-emitting diode phosphors to stabilize their performance and increase the luminosity of the LEDs. Additionally, it can be used as an additive to improve the quality of phosphor materials for electronic surveillance systems. It can be found in various medical devices as well, including dental fillings and whitening products.

    By admin