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Property of aluminum nitride Powder

Aluminum nitride has the chemical formula AlN. It belongs to the hexagonal system of crystals, wurtzite structure, and is non-toxic.

Aluminum nitride has a stable temperature up to 2200. It is strong at room temperatures and loses strength slowly as temperature increases. Aluminum nitride is a thermal shock resistant material with good thermal conductivity. AlN Powder is a good crucible material because it has a high resistance to molten corrosion. Aluminum nitride has good dielectric and electrical properties.

Use of aluminum nitride:

Aluminum nitride has many uses in optoelectronics. It is used as a dielectric in optical storage interfaces and electronic substrates, as a chip carrier that has high thermal conductivity for military purposes, and also as a chip carrier.

1. Aluminum nitride powder AlN has a high purity and a small particle size. It also has a high activity. It is used as the main raw material to produce high thermal conductivity aluminium nitride ceramic substrat.

2. Aluminum nitride is a ceramic substrate with high thermal conductivity. It has low expansion coefficients, high strength and resistance to corrosion. It is a suitable large-scale heat dissipation material and packaging substrate for integrated circuits.

Aluminum nitride has a higher hardness than traditional alumina. However, due to the high price, it can only replace severely worn parts.

4. AlN ceramics have the ability to resist heat, melt erosion, thermal shock, and can be used in high-temperature turbines and magnetic fluid power generation devices. Its optical properties can also be utilized as an infrared glass. Aluminum nitride can be formed into ultra-large-scale integrated-circuit substrates, high-frequency piezoelectric components and other products.

5. Aluminum nitride (AlN) powder is heat resistant, resistant to corrosion from molten metals, stable to acids, but easily corroded by alkaline solution. AlN’s new surface will react with humid air and form a very fine oxide film. It can be used to melt aluminum, silver, copper, lead, and other metals using this property. AlN ceramics can be used to replace beryllium-oxide ceramics that are toxic and have excellent metallization properties. They are also widely used in electronics.

Tech Co., Ltd. is a professional aluminum nitride We have over 12 years’ experience in the development of chemical products. You can contact us for high quality Aluminum Nitride Powder. Contact us Send an inquiry.

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