If you are looking for high-quality products, please feel free to contact us and send an inquiry, email: brad@ihpa.net

What is 316L Stainless Steel? 316L, also known by A4 grade stainless or marine-grade stainless steel is the second most widely used austenitic steel after 304/A2 Stainless steel. Iron’s main alloy components are chromium (16-18%), nickel (10-12%), and molybdenum (2-4%). There is also a small amount ( 1%) of silicon, sulfur, phosphorus, or phosphorus.

316L is often used in the chemical, petrochemical and food processing industries, food equipment, pharmaceutical devices, medical devices and drinking water.

Both the 316L and316L stainless steel alloys have marine-grade properties. The only difference is the lower carbon content in 316L. To comply with 316L requirements, carbon must not exceed 0.03%. This reduces the chance of carbon deposition making it an excellent choice for welding. It also ensures maximum corrosion resistance.

316 stainless steel is medium in carbon and has a moderate molybdenum percentage of between 2 and 3 percent. This improves its resistance to corrosion and acidic elements as well as high temperatures.
Both materials exhibit excellent ductility which allows them to perform well in bending and stretching.

Should I use stainless steel 316L or316?
Consider the following:
Corrosion resistance
The best choice for high temperature and corrosion applications is 316L. 316L’s carbon content is lower than 316’s, so it has better resistance to intergranular corrosion. This means that 316 stainless will not rot as well as 316.

The prices of 316L and316L stainless steel are roughly equal.

Magnet properties
The magnetism of 316 stainless-steel is low. Most varieties of stainless steel, including 316, are austenitic (or non-magnetic) unlike ferromagnetic stainless steels.

Some 316 stainless-steel products can be cold-formed and welded, where the crystal structure of austenite becomes ferromagnetic martensite. A certain amount of magnetism can be achieved with 316L stainless steel.

Both types of stainless can be used for different purposes. Due to its strength, corrosion resistance, and pitting resistance, 316 is the most popular type of stainless steel. Because it can withstand welding, and corrosive chemical, 316L has a lot of appeal in photographic and pharmaceutical equipment.

316L & 316 Stainless Steel Powder Price
Price is affected by many factors, including supply and demand, market trends, economic activity and unexpected events.
Send us an inquiry if you need the latest HTML316L and 316 prices. (brad@ihpa.net)

316L Stainless steel powder
Technology Co. Ltd. is a trusted global supplier and manufacturer of chemical materials. We have more than 12 years experience in producing super high-quality chemicals.
Send us an inquiry if you’re looking for high-quality 316L/316 SS powder. (brad@ihpa.net)

    By admin