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Hafnium carburide (HfC), a chemical compound composed of hafnium, is a combination of carbon and hafnium. It has a melting point around 3900 degrees Celsius, making it one of the most refractory binaries known. The compound has a very low oxidation resistance. Oxidation starts at temperatures of as low as 432 degC. It is possible that this compound will be used as a heat shield in future spacecraft.
Is hafnium carbide toxic?
Hafnium Oxychloride was found to be toxic by intraperitoneal route during animal studies. Hafnium-related industrial poisonings have not been reported. Carbides – Pure carbon is very low toxicity and can even be ingested as graphite, charcoal or other forms.

What is Hafnium Carbide HfC made from?
Hafnium carburide powder can be prepared by reducing the hafnium oxide and carbon at temperatures between 1800degC and 2000degC. This requires a longer time to completely remove oxygen.
Hafnium carburide is a dark grey brittle solid. It can be produced by heating elements together or by reacting methane with hafnium chloride at 2100degC. Hafnium oxide, or metal sponges can be obtained in sufficient quantities for the production of zirconium at high scales. In an industrial setting, hafnium can be produced from hafnium oxide or metal sponge by vacuum-carburizing it in hydrogen. The carbide consists of almost the full amount of carbon (6.30%degC) with up to 0.1% in free carbon. The resulting hafnium carbon is not true stoichiometric, but a carbon solution in a specific position within the cubic face lattice.
Carbonization will not dissolve in hydrofluoric acids at room temperatures, but is soluble by them. Carbonization is exothermic with halogen between 250 and 500degC, forming hafnium trihalide. Above 500degC it forms hafnium oxygen. In the presence hydrogen, hafnium carbure will lose carbon slowly at higher temperature.
Titanium Carbide Powder
Hafnium Carbide (HfC), which has the highest melting points of all binary alloys, has a wide range of high-temperature uses. It’s a good choice for high-temperature components, like rocket nozzles or scramjet components. Carbonization can be used for hard coatings. These are usually applied using processes like plasma spraying. HfC structural, foam-based materials can also be turned into high temperature components or used for thermal insulation.

Hafnium carburide (HfC), which has a melting point greater than 3890degC and is a refractory compound, is made up of two components. HfC or NBC can be used to coat nuclear reactors. Ta4HfC5 mixed carbide has the highest melting temperature at 4215degC.

1. Hafnium carbide can be used to add to cemented carbon, which is used widely in the cutting tool and mold industry.
2. Hafnium carbide can be used as a material for the rocket’s nozzle. In the aerospace industry, it can also be utilized in the nozzle or high-temperature liner, arcs, or electrodes to electrolyze.
3. Hafnium carbide is used as a control rod in nuclear reactors. It is an excellent metal for nuclear reactor rods.
4.Used for ultra-high temperature ceramics.
5.Reactant to synthesize hafnium containing organometallic Polymer
6.For coating.

The substance with highest melting point on Earth
Hafnium carbide is the only compound on Earth with a melting temperature of 3890 degrees Celsius. The hafnium compound known as tetratantalum Hafnium Pentacarbide has the highest melting temperature on earth. Its melting point is 4215.
Hafnium has an atomic weight of 72 and is a metallic silvery gray transition metal. The earth’s surface contains 0.00045% of it. It is commonly associated with the zirconium element, which has six naturally stable isotopes.
The hafnium is so popular as a forward protection layer for rockets and aircraft because it has a high corrosion and temperature resistance.

(aka. Technology Co. Ltd., a trusted global chemical supplier and manufacturer of high-quality nanomaterials & chemicals with over 12 year’s experience. Currently, we have successfully developed a number of materials. The Hafnium Carbide HfC powder The p Our products are high in purity, have fine particles, and contain low impurities. Send us an e-mail or click the products you need to Send us an inquiry

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