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Overview of Nitrides Nitrides, which are binary nitrogen compounds with less electronegative elements, are also known as metallic nitrides. The nitrides produced by the direct addition of nitrogen and transition elements are known as metallic nitrides. The “mesenchymal compound” name is due to the fact that nitrogen atoms fill interstitial spaces in metal crystal structures. They have a similar appearance, hardness and electrical conductivity to metals. These compounds are usually hard, have high melting points, are chemically durable, and are electrically conductive. Nitrogen compounds like titanium, vanadium and zirconium are hard and refractory. They also have some special features, including chemical corrosion resistance and heat resistance. TiN has a melting temperature of 2 930 to 2 950°C, which makes it an excellent conductor of electricity and heat. Superconductivity is achieved at low temperatures, and it’s used to make jet engines. ZrN, which is superconducting in low temperatures, is now used to make reactor materials.
Nitrogen is a highly electronegative element and forms nitrides in a number of different ways, including with less electronegative elements. These include ionic nitrides (ionic oxides), covalent nitrides (covalent oxides) and metallic Nitrides.
Lonic nitride
The nitrides that are formed from alkali metals and alkaline Earth metals belong to the ionic group, which is characterized by crystals dominated by ionic interactions. Nitrogen elements are found in N3- which is also known by the name salt-like Nitrides. Li3N, at the moment, is all that’s used to make ionic nitrides. Li3N, a dark red solid with a hexagonal crystalline system and a density of 1,27g/cm3, has a melting point 813degC. High ionic conducting and easy synthesis. It is a solid lithium electrode that can be combined either with liquid or solid.
Covalent nitrides
These nitrides consist of a majority of covalent bonds. Compounds containing oxygen, VIIA-group elements and nitrogen should be called nitrogen oxides, or nitrogen halos. The covalent nitrides most commonly used are those of the group IIIa elements and IVA (such Bn, AlN GaN InN C3N4 Si3N4). Diamond nitride is so called because its structural unit is similar. High hardness, melting point and chemical stability. They are mostly semiconductors or insulators. They are widely used in cutting instruments, high-temperature materials, microelectronics devices, luminous material and other fields.
Metallic nitride
These metallic nitrides are filled nitrides. Nitrides made by transition metals have nitrogen atoms located between hexagonal or cubic metal lattices. The chemical formulas of these nitrides are not strictly stoichiometric and their compositions can vary within certain limitations. The majority of metal nitrides have a chemical formula Mn and are NaCl types. It is a metal with metallic luster. Other properties include high conductivity, high toughness, high melting temperature, corrosion resistance, wear resistance, and high hardness. It can be used in cutting materials as well as electrode materials and catalytic materials.
Nitrides supplier
(aka. Technology Co. Ltd., a global chemical material manufacturer and supplier with more than 12 years of experience, is a trusted source for super-high-quality chemicals. Our company is currently developing a number of materials. Our company produces nitride with high purity and fine particle size. Send us an e-mail or click the desired products to Send an inquiry .

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