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What is Calcium Hydride? Calcium Hydride CaH2 is a substance inorganic with a chemical composition of CaH2 having a molal weight of 42.10. These crystals are grayish-white and easily deliquescent. They can be used as reducing agent, desiccants or chemical analysis reagents. Also known as a colorless orthorhombic crystal, industrial products can be gray, powdered or orthorhombic. It is sensitive to moisture. It doesn’t react with nitrogen or chlorine in the air at room temperatures. However, at high temperature, it can generate calcium chloride and calcium nitride. When it is in contact with water, it releases hydrogen and decomposes. It can also produce hydrogen and calcium oxide when it reacts with ethanol. The reduction effect of metal oxides on sodium hydride and lithium hydride is much stronger.
What is the danger of calcium hydride to human health?
The skin, mucous tissues, and upper respiratory tract are all highly sensitive to calcium hydride. It can cause death after inhalation due to spasms and inflammation. Contact with it can cause burning, coughing, wheezing and laryngitis.
Calcium hydride protection measures
Respiratory Protection: If you think you might be exposed to poisons or dust, wear a dust-proof electric filter air-supply respirator. Wearing a self contained breathing apparatus is recommended when needed.
Eye protection: Protected with respiratory protection.
Wear protective clothing to protect your body from chemicals.
Wear rubber gloves as a hand protection.
Others: Smoking at work is strictly forbidden. Attention to personal hygiene.
What should I be doing if I accidentally get in contact with calcium hydroide?
Contact with skin: Remove all contaminated clothing as soon as possible and rinse thoroughly under running water for atleast 15 minutes. Seek medical attention.
Eye contact: Remove the eyelid as soon as possible and thoroughly rinse with running water for at least 15 min. Seek medical attention.
Inhalation – leave the scene immediately to get fresh air. Airways should be kept clear. Oxygen is recommended if breathing becomes difficult. If breathing stops, you should immediately start artificial respiration. Seek medical attention.
Ingestion: Rinse your mouth out with water if you accidentally consume milk or egg yolk. Seek medical attention.
What should I do if there is a leakage of calcium hydride?
Access to the contaminated area should be restricted. Remove the source of ignition. It is advised that emergency personnel wear self contained breathing apparatus as well as acid-alkali proof overalls. Do not touch the leakage. Use non-sparking, dust-free tools to collect the small amount. Place the container in a safe location. Leakage in large quantities: Cover the leakage with canvas and plastic sheet to minimize dispersion. Contact the relevant technical departments to determine the removal technique.

(aka. Technology Co. Ltd., a global chemical material manufacturer and supplier with more than 12 year’s experience, is the trusted name in high-quality nanomaterials and chemicals. The Calcium hydride Please note that the products produced by our company are of high purity and have low impurity. Please. Contact us if necessary.

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