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Selenium powder It is a chemical with the symbol Se. The atomic number for selenium is 34. It is nonmetal, but it’s more commonly called a metalloid. It has properties that are in between sulfur and tellurium on the periodic table. It is rare to find it in its pure ore compound form in the Earth’s crust. Selenium powder Water and ethanol are insoluble. Selenium powder can be in granular or powder form. It is pure, has uniform color, and is 99.99% pure.
Selenium Application
Selenium Selenium is found in metal sulfur ores where it partly replaces the sulfur. Selenium is most often produced commercially as a byproduct during the refining and production of metal sulfide ores. Selenate or pure selenide compounds are rare but known minerals. Selenium is used mainly in glassmaking, and as a pigment. Selenium can be used as a photocell and semiconductor. The silicon semiconductor has replaced most of the electronic applications, which were once very important. In some types of DC power surge protecters and in one type of fluorescent quantum dot, selenium is still used.
Selenium is toxic at even low doses. This can lead to selenosis. Selenium appears in many multivitamins as well other dietary supplement, infant formula and as a component to the antioxidant enzymes thioredoxin reductiontase or glutathione peroxidase which reduce oxidized molecules indirectly in animals and certain plants. Selenium needs in plants vary by species. Some require large amounts of the element, while others appear to need none.

Preparation with Selenium Powder
Selenium is an element that is rare. No independent selenium plant exists in the world. Selenium is generally associated with the electrolysis and nickel in the anode-mud. Selenium and tellurium are recovered and purified using many different methods. These include caustic oxidative pressurized leaching (COPL), oxidative roasteding and high temperature leaching (OHTL), low-temperature roasting with oxidative leaching (LTOLL), dilute sulfuric acid-leaching etc. Selenium and tellurium reduction is mainly carried out by copper and sulfur dioxide reduction. method. Pre-roasting & oxidation results in more complex equipment, higher maintenance costs, sulfur dioxide gas that is harmful to humans and the environment and lower recovery rates and purity. In a weak acid, using H2O2, oxidize selenium to tellurium. Adjust the pH after the solid-liquid separation. Reduce selenium to tellurium by adding Na2SO3 in hydrochloric acid. Selenium and tellurium recover at 99% each. The purity of the product can reach 99%.
Selenium powder Toxicity
Inhalation causes respiratory membrane irritation and pulmonary edema. Elemental Selenium powder Exposure can also cause mucous membrane inflammation, nose bleeding, and coughing.

(aka. Technology Co. Ltd., a trusted global chemical supplier and manufacturer has over 12 years experience in providing high quality chemicals and nanomaterials. The Selenium powder Please note that the products produced by our company are of high purity and have low impurity content. Please. Contact us if necessary.

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