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Sodium oleate , alias sodium octadecenoate, cis-9-octadecenol, oleyl alcohol, cis-9-octadecenol, (Z)-octadecenol, olive oil, cis -9-octadecen-1-ol, 9-n-octadecenol, octadecenol. It’s an organic oil whose chemical formula is C17H33CO2Na. It is the main constituent of olive oil soap and tallow soap. You can also make it by reacting sodium-hydroxide with the oleic acids. It is composed of two components, a base hydrophobic and one hydrophilic. It is highly emulsifying, penetrates well, has good detergency and is easily soluble in hot water. It’s used as a fabric waterproofing agent and anionic surfactant. Basic Information on Sodium Oleate
English name: SODIUM OLEATE
Oleic Acid Salt (cis-Oleate)
CAS Number : 143-19-1
Formula molecular: C18H33NaO2
Molecular Weight: 304.44300
Accurate quality: 304.23800
PSA: 40.13000
LogP: 4.77380

The properties of sodium oleate
This can cause rancidity and color to darken in the air. It is due to the fact that oleic is oxidized. The double bond is broken, resulting in rancid substances such as nonanal. The corruption is accelerated by mixing in highly unsaturated chemicals.
Dissolved in 10 times more water will foam and produce a viscous solution. The aqueous solutions is alkaline. Liquid becomes milky because of partial hydrolysis to insoluble soap acid and sodium hydroxide. The neutral liquid does not hydrolyze with ethanol. In about 20 times as much ethanol, it dissolves. It is nearly insoluble in petroleum ether and other organic solvants.
Hy-drolysis reaction: 2RCOONa+H2O=RCOONa*RCOOH+NaOH
Chemical Reaction
Reacts with other metal ions than alkali elements to produce metal salt precipitation.
Other properties
It is the nature of salt that it can’t be volatilized but can be completely dissociated in water into ions. The salt can be converted to hydroxy-acid by adding mineral acid. If the hot liquid soap is allowed to cool, it will not crystallize. It will instead form insoluble calcium-magnesium soap precipitates along with the calcium-magnesium salts found in the hardwater. The white powder has a density of 0.9 g/cm3, a melting point between 232 and 235degC, and if left cold will form insoluble calcium-magnesium soap precipitates. The boiling point is 359.999oC when diluted to 760mmHg. The flashpoint is 270.099oC. Incompatible to strong oxidizing agents. Storage conditions: -20oC.
Sodium oleate preparation
This is made by neutralizing sodium hydroxide in an oleic ethanol solution.
Using phenolphthalein, 10g of oleic acids can be dissolved in a 100mL solution of 95% ethanol. Once the precipitated product reaches the equivalence, it is diluted with 95% ethanol. sodium Oleate Filter out the soap. The crude product, if it does not precipitate can also be obtained by distilling out the ethanol or water, then recrystallizing with a mix of ethanol/ether.
Use of sodium oleate
1. Olive oil soap also contains tallow as its main ingredient.
2. Use as a food coating agents, for example, to coat the surface of fruits and vegetables. Can be combined with ethylene dioxide and high-boron fatty acids.
3. Mineral processing waterproof fabric
4. This product can be used in neutral and acidic solutions to prevent corrosion on aluminum and its alloys as well as iron, copper and many other metals.
5. As an anionic surfactant, it is also used as a fabric waterproofing agent.

(aka. Technology Co. Ltd., a trusted global chemical materials supplier & manufacture with more than 12 years experience, is a trusted source for super-high-quality chemicals and nanomaterials. The Sodium oleate manufactured by our company is high in purity, has fine particles and contains low impurities. Please. Contact us if necessary.

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