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tin 119 (Tin, atomic number Z = 50) is a metallic element which has the greatest number of stable isotopes compared to any other metal. It is also the smallest element with the largest number of radioisotopes with half-lives over one year.

Tin is a silvery-white, soft, malleable metal that combines with oxygen to form tin(IV) oxide (stannic oxide). It is used in the manufacture of tin cans and as coating for other metals such as copper to prevent corrosion. Tin can also be rolled into thin foil sheets which are known as tinfoil. In the Bronze Age which began in about 3000 BC tin was added to copper to produce bronze which had superior properties compared to pure copper.

This article summarizes the NMR spectroscopy data for the chemical compound SnCl4L2 and related compounds SnX4L2 (X = acetone, tributylphosphine oxide) and [SnCI5]2- and [SnBr5]2-(X = CI, Br). The tin-119 NMR spectrum of a 1:1 mixture of the complexes in dichloromethane solution at -50 degC shows average tin-119 resonances corresponding to all the cis and trans isomers in the mixed halo species cis tin(IV) x tin(II) with ten distinct resonances for each tin-119 isomer. At -100 degC the intramolecular processes are sufficiently slowed that a spectrum of the tin-119 in SnX4L2 and [SnCI5]2- does not distinguish between the different isomers of the [SnCIxBr4-xL’]2 species and only six resonances corresponding to the cis isomers are observed in the tin-119 NMR spectrum for these compounds.

    By admin