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magnesium nitrate hexahydrate is a hygroscopic salt which decomposes on heating to yield magnesium oxide and nitrogen oxides. It is soluble in water and ethanol and can be used as a desensitizer for lithographic plates. It is also used in fertilizer blends for hydroponic and greenhouse trade as well as pyrotechnics. The growth in the petrochemical industry is expected to fuel the demand for magnesium nitrate hexahydrate, especially in North America.

Growing Use of Fertilizers Fuels the magnesium nitrate hexahydrate Market

The petrochemical industry has witnessed significant growth in the recent years which is anticipated to fuel the demand for magnesium nitrates. This is because magnesium nitrate hexahydrate provides excellent stabilization properties to petroleum products. In addition, it is also an effective preservative and offers other benefits to the petrochemical industry.

Increased construction activities in emerging countries is also anticipated to boost the market for magnesium nitrate hexahydrate. Magnesium nitrate enables effective stabilization of concrete and helps in improving its strength. It is also used as a nutrient for plants by encouraging sugar synthesis, starch translocation, fat formation and enhanced iron utilization.

Increased government initiatives to curb air pollution levels by imposing ban on firework sales is likely to limit the growth of the magnesium nitrate hexahydrate market. This is because a significant reduction in the manufacturing of fireworks will lead to decreased demand for magnesium nitrate hexahydrate as an additive. American Elements produces magnesium nitrate hexahydrate in several standard grades when applicable including Mil Spec (military grade), ACS, Reagent, Food, Agricultural and Pharmaceutical Grade as well as USP and EP/BP.

    By admin