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Copper is a soft, malleable metal that has excellent thermal and electrical conductivity. It is also a good choice for making pipes, wires, and other hardware. However, since it has a very high melting point of 1084 degrees Celsius, it requires specialized furnace equipment to provide a proper melt. In addition, it is dangerous to work with molten copper and requires special precautions to prevent burns. This article provides some helpful tips for safely melting copper at home.

What is the melting point of copper?

The melting point of a metal is the temperature at which it begins to transition from a solid phase into a liquid. It is a crucial point to identify because once a metal reaches its melting point, additional heat will not be able to cause it to melt further.

Many metals are used in the form of alloys with other elements, such as copper and nickel. As a result, their melting and boiling points vary depending on the proportion of each element. For example, a fifty-fifty mixture of copper (melting point 1,083C) and nickel (melting point 1,544C) starts to liquefy at approximately half the temperature of each of its individual melting points.

When melting copper wire, it is important to keep the length and thickness of the copper in mind, as well as the shape and size of the crucible that will be used to hold it. For longer wires, it is particularly important to ensure that the crucible is made of a material able to withstand high temperatures, such as ceramic. Likewise, it is important to carefully follow all safety precautions when working with a blowtorch to avoid injury.

    By admin