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316l is the industry standard for stainless steel, and its popularity lies in its ability to resist corrosion. It is used in a wide variety of applications, including surgical, medical and marine equipment.

304 vs 316l

The most common form of stainless steel, type 304, is an excellent material for corrosion resistance because it contains a high concentration of chromium. However, if you’re going to use this steel for something that is in contact with salty water, it’s important to know that this metal is prone to chloride ion attack, which can create localized areas of corrosion known as pitting that spreads beneath protective chromium barriers, weakening internal structures.

When choosing a material for a product with a heavy use of water, you may want to consider adding an alloy called molybdenum (Mo) to your stainless steel choice. This can be added to a variety of different stainless steels, and it increases their overall strength as well as their ability to withstand chloride attacks.

SLM-manufactured 316L SS: A hierarchical structure with fine cellular substructures and a dislocation entanglement as the boundary

316L SS that has been manufactured by selective laser melting (SLM) has been shown to have a significant anisotropy in its tensile properties. This is a function of the geometric relationship between the boundary of the molten pool and tensile forces. Compared with 316L SS that has been formed by conventional methods, SLM-manufactured SS showed significantly higher ductility when loaded in the tensile direction perpendicular to the molten pool.

    By admin